Chapter 4: The Bite.

2 weeks have passed and Jaguar was not seen again.

Recently Overwatch received a distress call attacking the terrorist Ominc organization Null Sector Budapest.

Right now, all available agents were roaming the streets of the devastated district to carry out a surprise attack unnoticed.

When suddenly, out of nowhere, a black-clad figure leaped at them. It was Jaguar.

He jumped Reinhardt on his back and bit him in the shoulder.

He screamed and tried to get rid of him, but he couldn't reach him. Then Torbjörn hit him with his hammer and hurled him several meters into the middle of a pile of rubble.

But Jaguar simply got up again and smacked several arrows of light at them. Then Genji went at him with his sword, but Jaguar always avoided him. When Winston and Pharah joined them, Jaguar raised his hands, created a blue pillar of fire and disappeared.

"The bastard, he bit me." Reinhardt yelled.

"This wasn't a planned attack, he was just trying to intimidate us," Soldier 76 said.

Mercy took care of Reinhardt's injury, then they went on.

"Okay, here's the deal: you fight the Omnics while Brigitte and I chase after these rascals. If anybody bites me, I'll bite them back." Reinhardt screams angrily.

Null Sector has destroyed almost a third of the city by now, when Overwatch arrived and a violent one broke out.

Reinhardt and Brigitte had encountered Jaguar in a severely damaged building.

Brigitte wanted to hit him with her flail, but he swerved.

"As a gentleman, I prefer not to hit women," he said. Brigitte replied by kicking him in the stomach and he staggered back.

"But when they go for it," Jaguar said with his teeth clenched.

Reinhardt ran toward him with his hammer out when Jaguar raised his hand. Reinhardt was enveloped in a green aura and flung across the room. Brigitte wanted to hit him again with her flail, but he grabbed her by the arm and sent an electric shock through her. Brigitte staggered back. Reinhardt had picked himself up again and pulled Brigitte towards him.

"Listen, we'll attack him together and teach him a lesson he'll never forget! Understand?" Reinhardt said.

"Yes." Brigitte replied determinedly. And both ran towards him with their weapons drawn.

The fight against the Omnics was harder than expected. Soldier 76 was heavily injured, Tracer had no more bombs and Pharah was also injured. But in the end they were victorious and the few survivors had fled. Now it was Mercys task to heal the injured.

Reinhardt's armor was badly damaged, he had a severe burn on his neck and also Brigitte was bleeding and at the end of her strength. When Jaguar set the whole room on fire with his fire, they had fled one floor higher, but this one was completely dark.

"Reinhardt! I can't see anything," Brigitte yelled.

"Too bad for you. I do." said Jaguar and tore the armor off Brigitte's arm.

Reinhardt raised his hammer and hit the ground with all his might. Huge cracks formed and the ground began to crumble. Reinhardt and Brigitte could get out of the way just in time. Jaguar, however, did not, he tried to jump away but at that moment the floor gave way and with a cry Jaguar fell into the lower floor, right into his blue fire.

"That's how we Crusaders do it, lap cat." Reinhardt yelled after him.

"Reinhardt, we have to get out of here, the house is collapsing," Brigitte said.

Mercy had just treated everyone when they met the team.

"The fool fell in his own fire." Reinhardt bounced laughing.

As they sat on the plane, Winston had some surveillance drones flying over the area.

"Hey, check this out," he said as he pointed to the screen. The image showed a pile of debris. All of a sudden, some debris was moving and Jaguar rose from the rubble. He looked into the camera and dragged himself away limping.

"This can't be happening," Reinhardt said incredulously. "But I gotta admit he's a tough guy, no matter how much we hit him, he kept getting up."

"He is a wild beast in battle, but he speaks very politely," Brigitte said.

"That's right, he has very good manners." Reinhardt agreed.

"Don't worry. Null Sector is beaten for now and Jaguar will lick his wounds for now. We will get him, but first we have to recover and take care of more important things," Winston said. The others agreed with him and headed back to headquarters.