Chapter 5: Fulgur

Fulgur is a fascist omnic organization that kidnaps people again and again and lets them fight against each other as gladiators. Their leader is a megalomaniac Omnic, who calls himself Caesar.

Recently Overwatch received the news that more and more people in Bangkok were kidnapped by Omnics.

Winston, D.VA, Tracer, Reinhardt, Brigitte, Mercy, and Genji were roaming the streets when they were suddenly surrounded by a huge steel net, which was now carrying a high voltage current and putting them all out of action.

When they came to later, they found that they were unarmed and chained in a stone prison cell with steel bars. Reinhardt and Winston were tied up with extra strong chains and Tracer was taken away from her chronal accelerator but hung behind the bars so she didn't have to disappear.

A few Omnics stood in front of the cell and laughed spitefully.

"How nice, new toys. Don't get too friendly with your new neighbors. He'll try to kill you later and be careful, he bites."

In the cell next door, which was only separated by a grate, sat someone. Chained to the wall with chains and a muzzle, it was Jaguar.

"Oh, if I'd known visitors were coming, I would have cleaned up," he said with a slight grin.

"I see. So they managed to capture even the mighty Jaguar. " Tracer noted with a grin.

"They captured me shortly after our last encounter, as I was recovering from my injuries. And they took off my portal ring. " Jaguar said.

"This is gonna be fun," said one of the Omnics outside the cell. "I wonder which one of you meatballs will have to take on the vampire here."

"For the hundredth time! I am not a vampire, and I don't look like one."

"OMG. This is exactly what you look like," said D.VA.

He looked at her viciously, in the half-darkness of the cell his eyes sparkled like those of a cat, bright green.

"Fascinating," Mercy said.

"I hope I fight you. The bite is not forgotten," Reinhardt said.

"It's been no pleasure for either of us, tough old man. I bit through coconuts as a child, and even they were softer than you."

"Frankly, it makes me a little proud," Reinhardt said with a smile.

Brigitte just rolled her eyes, while Tracer could not keep his chuckles down.

"But seriously, this was nothing really personal. Because honestly, I'm a big fan," Jaguar said.

"OK, uh, thanks." Reinhardt said.

"Why are you wearing a muzzle?" Tracer asked.

"I bit off one of the guards' hands."

"Let's face it, " said Brigitte. "Biting the other one's neck. Why?"

"Guns and stuff are so impersonal."

"You're strange," said D.VA.

"I know."

By moment loud music sounded from horns. They all turned towards an exit. There they looked into the interior of a stone coliseum, from their possessión hundreds of Omnics could see cheering a golden Omnic in a black robe. The Omnic began to speak.

"My children, I speak to you today with pride. Because we have managed to capture some members of this horrible Overwatch."

The Omnic crowd cheered.

"And now, for your pleasure, I'm going to have one of the captives fight the other monster we captured. And I have decided that the Halfling will have his."

The halfling? Genji.

he rules were as follows: the fighters were only allowed to fight with their chosen weapons. Should Genji use his dragon strike or Jaguar one of his magic tricks, all captured agents will be killed.

Genji took his sword and throwing stars, while Jaguar used his claws and teeth. He only wore his trousers and coat over his naked torso.

The two opponents walked in the arena and did not let themselves out of sight. Jaguar got down on all fours and climbed onto a pile of scrap metal from where he looked down on Genji.

Then he jumped towards Genji with outstretched claws. Genji dodged and tried to catch him with his sword but he jumped back.

The fight went on for a while. Jaguar's claws left deep scratches in Genji's suit while Genji still tried to catch him with his sword.

"I must admit, you have warrior blood in you," Genji said.

"You're not so bad yourself. If you kill your prey right away you can't play with it anymore," Jaguar said in a rough and devious voice.

When Genji wanted to lower his sword on him again, he grabbed the sides of his sword with both hands and with a quick movement he hurled the sword out of Genji's hand. The astonished Genji dropped his guard for a moment. Jaguar took advantage of this to bite his mechanical arm. Genji took a few of his throwing stars and rammed them into his shoulder. Jaguar stepped back, tore a piece out of Genji's arm and pulled the Stars out of his shoulder.

Genji fell to the ground but before he could get up Jaguar rammed his claws into the damaged area and with a strong jerk Jaguar tore Genji's arm out above his elbow.

Genji tried to crawl away but Jaguar got down on all fours on Genji, climbed on him and pushed his head into the sand.

Then he leaned his head towards him, for a moment it looked like he was sniffing at him.

He looked up at Caesar. He raised his thumb and stretched it downward.

Jaguar opened his mouth and bit Genji in the neck. The lights on Genji's suit began to flicker and went out. Genji lay motionless.

The crowd cheered. But the captured agents stood stunned. "GENJI." Mercy cried out in despair.

Jaguar turned to the crowd and bowed. Then suddenly, he turned and hurled a bolt of lightning at Genji.

Genji jumped up from the extra energy, grabbed his sword, ran to his friends and cut the grid. The agents took their weapons and ran into the arena.

Jaguar created a blue flame in his hand, blew into it and turned. A circle of fire appeared. With his hands, he controlled the fire and strings of fire, meandering across the floor, into the horrified crowd. The walls of the Coliseum were destroyed and the hit Omnics melted within seconds. The Overwatch agents fought the guards. Caesar tried to escape but Jaguar fired another string directly at him and cut him in half vertically.

"Let's get out of here." yelled Winston.

Just in time before the walls collapsed, they reached the exit.

"Come on, what happened back there, Genji?" Mercy asked.


"Maybe you want to listen now!" Jaguar said in Genji's ear.

"Look, I'll pretend to bite your neck and you pretend to be dead. Then I'll give you a burst of energy and you free your friends."

"Why should I believe you?"

"You don't seem to have a choice right now."



Wait, where's Tracer?" yelled Brigitte.

Tracer staggered through the Coliseum. A bullet had hit her in the side. Pain, blood loss and smoke caused her to fall to the ground and lose consciousness.

Winston and the others arrived at the arena, but no one was to be seen. Only a severely disabled Omnic was lying under a rubble.

Winston picked up the Omnic and yelled at him angrily.


"I-it's got her," the Omnic replied with a stammer.

"Who? Who got her?"


Lena slowly regained consciousness. She was in a bed. She looked around in wonder. She had gone into a room with white wallpaper, her jacket hung over a chair on the wall and her shoes were underneath. Looking down, she realized that her chronal accelerator was gone, in its place a chronal battery hung on a band around her neck. Her chronal accelerator was also hanging from the chair but her pulse pistols were gone.

When she tried to stand up, she was in pain. Her gunshot wound was patched up. She got up and slowly walked out of the room and down a flight of stairs. At the bottom she came to a living room with a kitchen next to it. The living room had a fireplace, a big window and a couch. Next to the couch was an armchair in which a man with black hair was sitting, turning his back to her and looking at the TV, which was showing an old episode of Monty Python.

Then Lena heard a deep, throaty laugh and stood frozen. She knew this laughter. Her memory came back, she had collapsed and someone had picked her up and carried her away.

"Well, have you finally woken up?" said the man and turned to her. He smiled and exposed silver, predator-like teeth.