Chapter 7: Beast or Gentleman

Lena woke up, for a moment she did not know where she was. Then the memory came back. She was wearing one of Jonas' shirts, but it was much too big for her.

She saw a picture on the bedside table showing Jonas together with a large group of people with dark skin. In the middle was a man with strange jewellery around his neck and an arm around Jonas' shoulders.

She went downstairs and saw Jonas in the Kitchen and humming to himself.

"Oh. Good morning. Are you hungry? I'm making pancakes."

"Oh, great. I'm starving."

They sat at the table and Lena poured a huge bowl of syrup over her pancakes.

"Do you have any coffee?" she asked.

"No, just tea. I can't have caffeine, it freaks me out."

"You're freaking out?" she laughed. "In what way?"

"Have you ever seen the movie Corpse Bride?"


"The last time I drank too much coffee. I re-enacted that scene with the singing skeletons and sang."

"Ha ha ha ha. I wish I could have seen that. But I just realized, that I actually know almost nothing about you."

"Well then, ask me what you want to know!"

"So the people in the picture on the nightstand. Who are they?"

"That's my brother Tomala and his tribe.


"Well, my blood brother better. I grew up in the Amazon, as you know, and there I lived in an abandoned temple. When I was 14, I found a stranded boy on the beach and we hit it off right away. After four years he tells me that he's actually the prince of a tribe on an island. So we built a boat and brought him back.

In return, his mother adopted me."

"That sounds so cool." Lena squealed.

"But being an advisor to the king got pretty boring after three years.

And because I grew up an outcast, I bought a ship and went looking for like-minded people."

"Yes, your ship. What was it called again?"

"The Scarlet Witch."

" Right.It looked a lot like that movie Treasure Planet. With bright red sails. Okay, let's try something else. What's your favorite movie?"

" The Lion King."

" Really?"

"Of course, he reminds me of my childhood and the songs are great."

"I just didn't think that you liked Disney movies."

"Just to be clear! Disney movies are beautiful, anyone who says otherwise is an idiot."

"That's what I always say. Okay, next question: Why do you call yourself Jaguar?" asked Lena.

"I didn't give myself that name."


"No. The natives called me that because I killed a caiman with a bite when I was a kid. And my mother called me Jonas just before she died."

"Oh. I'm sorry for you."

"That's alright."

When they cleaned up, Jonas got ready to run some errands.

"So, Lena, I'm going to get you some clothes and some food. But I don't want you to be bored while I'm away," he said with a grin.

"If he thinks I'm cleaning the cabin, he can forget it," she thought.

Then she suddenly felt strange. She looked down at herself and realized that she was surrounded by a green aura and that she was hovering a meter above the ground.

"Woah, that's incredible."

"Have fun. Oh, and when you've had enough, clap your hands three times. Just be careful where you hover over something soft."

Lena floated around with excitement, did somersaults and flew upside down.

When she had let off steam, she clapped her hands three times. At that moment she realized that she had forgotten the warning: She should hover over something soft. She landed hard on her butt.

She got up again and rubbed her painful spot. Then she sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

Jonas still had a DVD of Monty Python in the drive, since she was also a fan of the troupe, she watched a few episodes.

After the second episode, Jonas came back with 2 bags and placed them on the table. From the first bag, he took a bundle of clothes.

"Here, this should be your size," he said. And threw the bundle to her. The bundle contained some jeans and shirts.

Jonas sniffed and swung his head back and forth.

"Did you hurt yourself?" he asked.


"I smell blood."

Lena pulled up her tank top and noticed that the fall the wound had reopened and the bandage was bloody.

"All right. Go sit on the couch. I'll change your bandage," he said.

Lena sat down and rolled up her top.

"Please be careful with the claws," she said nervously.

"Don't worry, they're retractable."

Lena expected a cold, icy touch and flinched. But when his hands touched her sides, they felt warm.

"She is so soft," Jonas thought. But he immediately shook off the thought.

After Lena got her new bandage, they sat down at the table and ate the fish'n'chips Jonas had brought with him.

"Now let's be serious. Let this thing float, shoot bolt of lightning and fire and all that other stuff. How do you do that?"

Jonas smiled and raised a finger to his lips.

"A magician never reveals his secrets," he said.

"Oh, too bad!" Lena sulked.

Then Lena suddenly got up, went into the kitchen and came back with 2 slices of bread. She put the remaining chips in between and bit into them. Jonas raised an eyebrow.

"I know, I know. It looks disgusting, but it's still delicious."

Jonas started to laugh. "It's okay. You have no idea what I've eaten."

Lena was clueless at first, but then she also started to laugh.


It was evening and outside a huge snowstorm was raging. Lena stood in front of the film shelf and rummaged around. Then she pulled out the film "Silence of the Lambs".

"Oh, I haven't seen it yet," she said.

"Are you sure Lena, the film is not without it."

"Pfffft. Come on! That doesn't bother me." she said defiantly.


After the film Lena lay trembling in bed and did not dare to close her eyes. The wind blew noisily from outside.

Lena took her blanket and pillow and went downstairs. Jonas sat in his armchair and read a book with the title "The Picture of Dorian Grey".


"Hm, yes?"

"Do you mind if I lie down on the couch here?"

Jonas smiled slightly.

"Are you scared?"

"Scared, me? Pffft no. It's just... just... just so cold up there!"

"Lena it's perfectly normal to be afraid. It's really brave to admit it to yourself."

"Yes, yes. Maybe I should have chosen The Lion King instead."

"Well, then be prepared for next time. Heh heh heh."

Lena lay down on the couch and watched Jaguar's eyes glow green in the dark.

"Jonas, can I ask you something?"

" Go ahead!"

"Why do you care so much about me? I mean we chased you like a criminal and yet you saved my life twice. And you care about me so sacrificially. Why?" she asked.

He started thoughtfully in the room.

"I....I don't know. I kinda like you. I liked you even then. After all your strokes of fate and what you "ve been through. you keep fighting and always keep your happy attitude. I find that really impressive," he said.

Lena blushed.

"T-Thank you, but with my cheerfulness, it doesn't look so great lately. I just went through a bad breakup. Well, I'm sure you know how it is."

"No. No, I don't." he said, turning his head away.

" What do you mean? Are you saying you've never had a relationship with anyone before? Or wait, is this a pirate thing? Like, "My only love is the sea"?"

"No, nobody's ever wanted me before."

"Oh, come on. I don't believe you. You're such a caring person," she said.

"Well, too ugly, too creepy, too scary. Pick a reason." said with a hint of sadness.

Lena stood up, grabbed his cheeks with her hands and looked deep into his emerald green, shining eyes.

"Well, you do look a little scary. But I wouldn't say ugly. I think you have a big heart and that counts for much more," she said.

"Thank you, that's really very nice of you," he said and took her hands off his cheeks.

For a moment they looked at each other. Then suddenly they blushed and turned their faces away.

"So... uh... good talk," he said.

"Yeah... I... I'd better go to sleep now."

"Yeah. Good night."




"I can't sleep."

"Oha! And now what?"

"I don't know," she replied.

"I know what."

And then something unexpected happened.

"Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme"

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I just don't know any lullabies.

Remember me to one who lives there

She once was a true love of mine."

His usually rough voice was suddenly so warm and quiet.

"Can you sing Go the Distance?"

Jonas raised an eyebrow.

"Please." she said with puppy eyes.

"I have often dreamed of a far off place

Where a hero's welcome would be waiting for me


I will search the world, I will face it's harms

Till I find my hero's welcome, waiting in your arms."

When he had finished the song Lena had already fallen asleep.

Only now Jonas noticed how beautiful she actually was.

Her petite figure.


Her cute little freckles.


And before that, her beautiful hazel eyes.



"Do you have to say it so swollen? I mean, is this a love story between her and me or you and her?" Jaguar asked.

I'm just repeating what you think. I am your chronicler, after all.

"But my thoughts are mine! So would you please stay out of it?"

Okay, okay.

Let's get on with it. Jonas leaned back in his armchair and also fell asleep.