Chapter 8: an interesting awakening

Lena woke up slowly, without opening her eyes, yawned and snuggled up to what she thought it was a pillow.

"Good morning," said a familiar voice. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," she breathed with her eyes still closed and a small smile.

"That's good.......Can you let go of me now?"

Lena opened her eyes and realized that she was clinging to Jonas arm.

She let go in horror and sat up.

"Oh sorry. How did this happen?"

"You really seemed to have a nightmare. You were spinning wildly back and forth. When I tried to calm you down, you were clutching my arm."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you and now let's have breakfast."

Lena blushed incredibly but she was also very hungry.

"Hey do you have eggs and bacon?" she asked.

Jonas turned around.


"Well, as you have taken such good care of me, I would like to return the favour and make some omelettes," she said with a grin.

Lena made her omelettes and served them on a plate and with a big smile.

"They are really good," said Jonas.

"Thank you."

After breakfast, Jonas wanted to go out in the snow to fetch some firewood.

"Do you really think you should be chopping wood with your injury?" Lena asked.

Jonas pulled down the sleeve of his coat.

"It's healed," he said and showed her his unharmed arm.

"Huh, how can it have healed so quickly?"

"Increased regeneration," he said and went outside.

"Angela would have so much less work, if we had that too," Lena thought.

When Jonas wanted to bring the wood to his cabin, a snowball hit him in the neck. He turned around, but saw nothing. But then he heard a quiet giggle.

Lena sat behind a tree and made herself some snowballs. She jumped out and was about to throw the next snowball. But there was nobody there.

Then a huge snowdrift hit her and pushed her over. When she had picked herself up again, Jonas stood at the door and laughed at the top of his lungs.

Lena stared at him angrily, took her snowballs and threw them at Jonas. He answered her in the same way.

The snowball fight lasted half an hour. Then they sat down by the fireplace and looked into the fire. Jonas' eyes reflected the fire, which made them shine even more.

"Why are you always staring into my eyes?" Jonas asked.

"Sorry, but they are quite special."

After a while Lena broke the silence.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but I need to know! Your "magic tricks," how does that work?"

"Forget it!"

"Pleeeeeeeas." she said and saw him with folded hands and a pout.

"You won't rest until I tell you, will you?"

"Yes," she said with a smile.

"Well, I came across cave paintings and scrolls in the jungle back at my temple. And now you can guess the rest."

"MEANS THAT I COULD LEARN IT TOO." she cried with glowing eyes.

"In theory, yes. But I'm not going to teach you," he said seriously.

"Why not?" she said disappointed.

"Because it takes years of practice, and because even the smallest mistake can have enormous consequences, especially at the beginning.

Imagine you want to create a coin-sized flame, but by a small inattention, you burn your arm."

"Oh, I see," she said dejectedly.

"You'd better enjoy the skills you already have."

"Yes, you're right," she said, being her usual cheerful self again.

"Now, you'd better rest. Tomorrow there is a lot to do," Jonas said.