Chapter 14: Meet the Family

A few hours later, the newly christened "Foam Flyer" was heading for an unknown destination in the South Atlantic. When asked exactly where it was heading, Jaguar was silent.

Tracer looked thoughtfully in his direction. Until Hana, accompanied by Brigitte, tapped her on the shoulder.

"OMG. Lena! Are you serious?" she shouted.

" What is it?"

"The way you look at him!"

"Um ... well. Yes ... we really seemed to have gotten the wrong impression of him. Really, when you know him better, he's a real sweetheart."

"The guy who bites the neck of his opponent?" asked Brigitte.

"He promised me he wouldn't do it anymore!"

"Ooookkkaayy," Hana said still incredulous.

"Tell me, is it me, or is it something to do with watching him do it?" Brigitte asked.

"Indeed." said Ana, who had suddenly appeared beside them. "He's standing there like a Rock on the surf at his wheel. You rarely see something like that these days, I can understand what you see in him, kid." she noticed and winked at him with her one eye.

Lena turned around again (mainly to hide her blushing).

Then McCree, with a glass of brownish liquid in his hand, came running out of a door onto Jaguar.

"Hey. And you call yourself a pirate? Your rum tastes like a cow's ass," he yelled at him.

"The rum bottles I salvaged from a sunken freighter off Jamaica. They're over 400 years old... don't tell me you drank that!" he said and looked at him questioningly.

McCree got a distraught look on his face and stared at his glass, dropped it and hurried to the railing, the next thing heard was a loud choking followed by a splash.

"Congratulations, you just had a 5,000 pound drink!" he shouted after him.

Their audience couldn't contain themselves with laughter.

Reinhardt and Torbjörn, stood at a strange cylindrical object.

"A Plasma Fire X93!" said the Swedish engineer enthusiastically. "You can shoot down half a skyscraper from 10 kilometers away."

Jaguar joined them.

"So you've already discovered my newcomer. Well, you know what they say: You never grow up, only the toys become more expensive."

Torbjorn pats him on the back. "I like that boy!"


"Ah, here we are," Jaguar said as an island appeared on the horizon. He pressed a key on his holographic keyboard and a loud, thumping sound was heard.

As they approached, several dozen people stood on a jetty and waved at them cheering.

"They're really happy to see you," Genji said somewhat astonished.

"They must be, I am the king's brother."

He jumped onto the jetty and was greeted warmly by taps on his shoulder and hands. He said something in an unknown language and pointed to the Overwatch agents on his ship. The people then helped them off the ship and greeted them as well. From the crowd a little girl in a yellow dress came running towards him, Jaguar got down on his knees, grabbed her and lifted her up.

"Hello Kira, how is my favourite niece?" he asked with a gentle smile.

"We missed you." she squealed.

"Well, we'd better not keep her waiting!" he said, put his hat on her head and sat her on his shoulders.

He's signaling the other agents to follow him. Most of them, especially the old soldier, had not expected what they had just seen.

The houses were at first sight simple wooden buildings, but when you look closer, they were very modern. On a clearing stood motionless, a nearly 10 feet tall combat omnic, with a very worn out teddy bear in his arms.

"Hey, Drumbie." Jonas waved at him. The Omnic slowly raised his right arm and returned the gesture. Jonas turned to the agents.

"I like the little one. But be careful: Don't take his teddy bear away from him, he'll break your backs."

The children, forming a big cluster around Reinhardt and Roadhog. The man in the pig mask had no idea how to react, but he obviously enjoyed being the center of attention for once.

In the middle of the village, there was a large mansion, in whose lobby stood a tall, dark-skinned man and a dark-skinned woman, who greeted Jonas with an embrace.

"Jonas my brother, what brings you to your old home?" he said with a tropical accent.

"What, I can't even visit my brother and his wonderful wife? Hello, Shara."

"Oh, you old chameur," said the woman with a giggle.

Most of the agents, standing silently in the doorway, only Lena stepped up to them and Jonas waved her over.

"Lena, may I introduce you to the man who shares everything with me, if it must be even the toothbrush. My brother, Tomala."

Then the girl called Kira, mounted on the back of a huge black jaguar, came into the room. The jaguar tapped Jonas and let him scratch his chin while purring. "Good boy, Shadow!" Then the jaguar walked towards Brigitte and rubbed his head against her leg.

"Aww, he likes you!" squeaked the girl. Brigitte knelt down and stroked his head, smiling.

Steps could be heard on the stairs as a somewhat older woman came down with a walking stick.

"Where is my pale son?" asked the woman excitedly.

"Hello, Moma," he replied. The woman grabbed his cheeks and squeezed them together.

"Jonas, my boy. God, you're all skin and bones, you must eat more. I'll get you some stew!"

Then two figures ran into the room and fell into Jonas' arms. It was a boy of about 17 and a girl about the same age, with white blond hair. The girl had a net-like pattern in her blue eyes and a blue metal strip on her forehead, and her left arm was made of dark blue metal.


The hours passed and the peaceful island seemed to please everyone. McCree seemed to enjoy the mango liquor, Genji and Zenyatta meditated on a quiet lake, Lucio played music to the children on his portable mixer and to the others Jonas's adoptive mother, much to his chagrin, told stories about his youth.

"You should have seen him as a teenager, he scratched everything, always growling grumpy."

"Speaking of embarrassing," he turned to the two teenagers. "Gede, Lily, my little protégés, when is the wedding finally?" he asked with a grin.

The two stared at each other in shock. "Uh," they both stammered and Jonas laughed.

Lean had to giggle all the time, behind his back.

Then Jonas gave them a sign that they had to move on, halfway down the road, they found Junkrat unconscious, his head stuck in a tree.

"I told you, don't touch the teddy bear!"

Within moments, they were back on the ship.

"Your family is really nice," said Lena. "It's quite a pity that so few people know that you are really such a benefactor."

"A good deed does not get better just because everyone knows about it, Lena, it just gets louder," said Jonas.

"That's a very good saying," Lena said smiling.

A few meters away, Soldier 76 stopped and looked towards the island once more. Could he really have been so wrong about a person?

On the high seas, Jaguar, suddenly made a thoughtful expression on his face.

"There's a storm coming!" he said. And Mei looked at him questioningly.

"There's not gonna be a storm. If there was, Snowball would have already seen it."

Two hours later:

The wind whipped at the staggering ship, the waves swept the deck with indescribable force, and lightning split the dark of the night. Except for Reinhardt, Torbjörn and Brigitte all had already fled below deck.

"Isn't it wonderful? The mighty power of Mother Nature. And yet this is only a moderate storm." yelled Jaguar.

The agents had retreated to the lounge. Mei, Tracer and Mercy had already put on tea for the others when Torbjörn, Brigitte and Reinhardt entered the room completely soaked.

"My God, there's a storm outside with wind force 10 and he just stands still as if it were a spring breeze," Torbjörn said, trying to shake the water out of his beard.

"I must admit, it's kind of impressive!" Pharah remarked.

A little later, the ship stopped and Jaguar came trotting into the room. He shook himself to get rid of the water. Then he sat down at the front end of the table.

"Tomorrow morning, we'll be at our destination. It's best to gather our strength."

"What's this bundle of paper here?" DVA asked.

"Oh, I tried to be a author once."

"Oh. The ghost train with the real ghosts?" squeaked Tracer.

"No, something else."

"Well we have time, why don't you read it to us?" said Mercy.

" Did you really want to?" Everyone nodded.

"All right, then."

Jaguar took the bundle of papers and started to read. The story was about how in the Middle Ages, some power-hungry nobles wanted to assassinate the Queen and hired an assassin to do it. But this was overheard by a pickpocket and he now wants to prevent this with the help of a weird priest. In the end everything went well, the assassin is dead and opponents disempowered. Here Jaguar showed his talent as a disguise master, in which each figure had its own voice. When the story ended a few hours later, all Overwatch agents looked at him with interest.

"And what do you think?"

"That's actually pretty good!" said Angela and the other nods in agreement.

"That's right, Luv. You should publish this."

"Thank you. The storm has stopped and it'll be morning soon. We'll be there in a few hours."

" I have a question!" said DVA. "I'm an actress, but your skills as a disguise artist are impressive. How do you do it? And don't tell me you learned that in the jungle."

"No, but I do read a book now and then. But seriously I wanted to try it because I thought it was funny and I thought I was pretty good at it."

"Why are you doing this?" Genji asked.

"Um...let's call it pranks."

By pranks, he means he dresses up beyond recognition and gets on people's nerves. I've fallen for it many times myself.

Jaguar and the agents had no idea a terrible surprise was in store for them.