Chapter 13: What cavalry?

Jaguar woke up the following morning, but something was different. On his chest, lay the head of a young freckled woman, with brown hair and a calm smile on her face. He had a strange feeling he could not describe. When she moved her head, he was torn from his thoughts. He put his head back on the pillow and went to sleep. Lena moved and opened her eyes.

She looked at the apparently sleeping man in front of her and suddenly had to think about their first encounter. At that time she was almost frozen in fear of these scary mutants with the glowing eyes. But now? Here he lay, and he looked so peaceful, as she could not imagine at first.

" Morning," he said, opening his eyes.

Lena was surprised at first, but fasting again.

"Oh... morning," she said, tired.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, your skin feels pretty nice."

Jaguar smiled. "I guess it's because of my early diet. When I was a kid, I ate mostly fresh fruit and meat. Oh, that reminds me... Down in the storeroom I have something that might interest you."

An elevator, took her to a dark storage room, then Jaguar flipped a light switch. Lena kept her mouth open in amazement. In the middle of the room was a...

"A Hawker Hurricane," she screamed with joy. "I've always wanted to fly one of these."

"So you like it?" he said happily.

"I love it." she shouted and flashed around the airplane with eyes that glowed.

"Well, when this is all over, I'll give her to you," he said.

Lean ran up to him and jumped into his arms, he returned the hug.

"Hey you're really good at hugging," said the young pilot and kissed him on the cheek.

"Strange how many people have told me that."

Then the thunder of a tremendous explosion broke the silence.



Overwatch had Null Sector, almost on the run. The only ones left were a small force of Omnic soldiers and a huge giant Omnic.

The giant lifted his cannon arm, loaded it up and aimed at the group of heroes: Reinhardt, Pharah, Mercy, Genji, Soldier 76, Torbjorn...(in short: all of them)

At that moment, a huge ball of fire shot through the air, which blew the giants' heads off. The giant stopped and fell to the ground with a deafening thud.

It was silent for a moment, then a familiar cry resounded:


Two shadows jumped out of the smoke and landed a few yards away from them. The tall man in the black cloak, raised his hand and made a golden circle appear, from which dozens of arrows of light shot out and impaled the rest of the Omnics under loud screams.

"Well," he began. "Instead of a big round of introductions and the usual question-and-answer game, I suggest we all get aboard my ship first."

"Why should we?" said Soldier 76.

"You might as well wait here and deal with the authorities."


TIMESKIP to Jaguar's ship:

In a kind of meeting room, all the agents sat around a big table. Lastly, Jaguar entered the room and stood at the end of the table.

"So why are you here?" Soldier 76 asked.

"So when some crazy world conquerors want to breed a miracle weapon, they kidnap a woman and..."

"THAT DOES NOT INTEREST ME!" cried Soldier 76. "What do you want from us?" the soldier asked, putting one hand on his gun.

"Why is it that people always treat me with suspicion? Is it glowing eyes, the black soul or the profession of a pirate?"

"All of the above," said the choir.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Believe it or not, even a mutant pirate has feelings."

"Yeah, but only on the subject of treasure!" said D.VA with a grin.

"MINE. Sorry, reflex." said Jaguar and cleared his throat.

"So have any of you heard from the secret society, Medusa?"

"Yes." said 76 and everyone turned to him.


"Yes, it's a faction of Talon."

"Well... that... saves me an hour of explaining."

"So..." a hologram that looked like an unremarkable hard drive appeared.

"This is the eye of Medusa. Probably the most dangerous weapon in the world. With this inconspicuous thing, all, really all kinds of electricity can be directed and controlled. But this is only the prototype, if they get their hands on this device and improve it, they can also control the electrical impulses in the brain. This device was created 30 years ago, however, it was stolen shortly after and all records were destroyed. To get it back, I was created. So, without further explanation, what I want from you is obvious.

"Well. You want us to help you find the eye. And then what? Destroy it?" asked 76.

"That would be problematic. If the thing is destroyed, a shock wave will be created that would destroy everything in the immediate vicinity," replied the pirate. "But it is better you get it than Talon."

"Why don't you get it yourself?" said Reinhardt, who probably still resented the bite.

"Because Talon has surely sent an army to retrieve it."

Reinhardt turned to Angela and said in German.

"Ich trau diesem Halunken nicht." (I don't trust that scoundrel.)

"Dieser Halunke versteht dich besser als du denkst." said Jaguar and everyone turned to him. (That scoundrel understands you better than you think)

"You speak German?" Angela asked him.

"I'm a huge fan of Dieter Hallervorden" said smiling.

"HA HA HA HA. I take it back, the boy is fine." yelled Reinhardt, Brigitte just rolled her eyes.

"All right," Winston said. "We'll help you. But on one condition."

" And that condition is?" asked the man in the black coat.

"When we find it, the eye is ours!"

He thought for a moment.

"Very well. But first, I have something to do."