Interrogation From Hell

Well, to say that my father is shocked would be the understatement of the day. I watch as his face is changing into a whiter shade of pale. But let us just forget about his face for a moment and talk about my own, which is now as red as the cherry lipstick that Tasnim is wearing. I have known many women that have threatened to touch me, but none of them have been so brave as she is.

The moment she slipped those glorious fingers into my pants, my heart stops beating, and my brain went dead. As she strokes my erection, I must admit she struggles to wrap her hand over my full length. I am not one for blowing my own horn, but I am more than adequate to get you squirming and screaming my name. I did not get to be Carson Antoni by my looks alone.

But let us get back to my father, that is about to start his questioning. He is trying to find reasons why we cannot be together, and trust me, by the time the evening ends, he would have found one.

"Sorry, I do not think I heard what you said?" my father's immediate reaction does not shock me the least bit.

"She said, exotic dancer father. I met Tasnim at the club the boys and I frequent so much."

I watch as she starts to grow uncomfortable from my father's stare; he is glaring at her with eyes that can burn you to death. She tries to slide her hands out of my pants, but I stop her before she does.

"Please, can you just hold me for a moment longer?"

She smiles and slides the tip of her fingers over my head. My legs start to twitch as the pleasure sets in. Then the real questioning from my father starts. I place my hand on her inner thigh and squeeze her until she smiles.

"How long have you been a stripper," my father disrespectfully asks.

"Father, I would appreciate it if you refer to her as an exotic dancer."

"Well, she does take her clothes off after all," my father continues to say. "I think that stripping would be the right word to call that."

My mother immediately jumps in. "Foster, stop being a jerk."

But he only ignores her and carries on with what he is trying to ask. "Tell me, how long have you been doing this?"

"For little less than a year," Tasnim tells him while staring down at her hands.

"Do you have any other skills apart from…dancing?"

"If you can call waitressing as a skill, then you can say I have."

I can see that my dad has no intention of stopping. He is going to grind her under a spotlight until she breaks. But I know that Tasnim is the type of woman that can take any bullshit from a man.

"Do you not have any other skill, like answering a phone?"

Tasnim once again shocks him with her next answer. "I did work at a sex line a few years ago."

"What does your family think of this?"

"My mother disapproves, but she supports me. My father is dead."

My mom being the softhearted between all of us, immediately seeks to comfort Tasnim. "I am so sorry, my dear, if I may ask what happened."

"He was shot. Let us just say he was not on the right side of the law. He got shot by a guy he had illegal business with."

This peeks my father's interest, and he starts a new direction of questioning. "What type of illegal business dealing are you talking about?"

"I am not sure what exactly he did. My mother never really said, and neither did my father tell."

How could I have not known this? I have been so busy concentrating on the sexual attraction that I have not really started to get to know her. This has now sparked my dad's interest; I just hope this gets him to shut up about the whole exotic dancer thing.

"Who is your father, if I may ask?" My father patiently says as he is waiting for Tasnim to answer his question.

"Joseph Devereaux."

I watch the color drain from my father's face. Who would have thought the night would turn out like this. As I see my father's face turn from shock to horror, I just know I have to take her away from the table just for a moment.

"Father, can you just excuse us for a second? I would like a word with Tasnim in private."

"Sure Carson, your mom shall check on dinner in the meantime,"

I lead Tasnim away from the table to the closest room available; as we step into my father's office, I close the door and lock it behind us.

I turn and look into her deep brown eyes; there are much uncertainty and fear locked behind them. My father might have just gone too far this time.

"Are you okay, Tasnim?"

She looks at me for a second, trying to find the right answer in her head.

"I take it back; your father is not scary. He is like a monster hiding in a closet."

"Hahaha. That sounds about right to me. But now, really, are you okay?"

"Yes, and you?"

"Well, you…you just had those fingers exploring something that is going to get you into trouble."

"Oh, really, Mr. Antoni? What kind of trouble are you talking about?"

"Mmm…you asked for it."

I move closer until the only thing I can hear is her breathing, slow rapid breaths. The unmistakable scent of sex fills the air. We stand in the shadow of the nightlight, just taking in each other's presence. I wrap my arms around the back of her neck and, in one, gently pull our lips meet. I feel her hand run through my hair, and I press my tongue to the seams of her lips. She hardly has time to react as we entwine in a passionate kiss.

Our bodies fit together as if we are made just for this, to fall into one another, to feel this natural rhythm, to touch each other just like this. With a laugh, I lift her right off her feet, then carry her over to the table.

"I am going to take you right here right now."

She smiles and slowly shakes her head at me. "Oh no, you are not."

"Then why have you not stopped me yet?"

"Maybe I just want to see you naked again."

"I can always arrange for that."

"It would be so much more fun if I do it."

She goes to work at my pants, loosening my button in one flick of her finger. She stares me deep in the eyes as she slides my zip down. She slides her hands to the back and grabs my ass. She sucks on her bottom lip as she feels her way around. Her fingers crunch into my pants as she starts pushing them over her waist. She drops them down until they fall in a pile to my shoes.

"Take your shoes off."

I do as she says; she moves her hands to the elastic band of my black underwear. I watch as a wicked smile form on that beautiful face. She is hypnotizing me just from her stare. Before I know, she has them over my tight ass and dropped them down to my pants. She moves her eyes from my face down to my manhood that is standing naked in all its glory in front of her.

"God, Carson, you will rip me apart."

"Well, why don't we quickly test that theory out."

She asks me to step out of my pants and underwear, fully expecting she will get undressed next. But she grabs hold of my underwear and tucks it into her bag. She then makes her exit out of the room,

"Tasnim, come here!"

…Tasnim POV…

Ha! I got him back at his own game, even though I would not have mind testing that theory out. The man has definitely been more than generously blessed; let's hope he knows how to use it as well.

But right now, I need to get through this interrogation. I wish he would just tell his father to fuck off and stop telling him what to do.

"Are you okay, Tasnim?" Carson's mother is the first one to ask.

"Yes, Mrs. Antoni. I just don't like talking about my father."

"Understandable, my dear. Where is Carson?"


"I am here mom, just had to get fresh air for a moment."

But his father has not finished for the starts again. This time though, his tone is different; he does not talk to me like I am beneath him. It finally sounds like he respects me; I hope this means he approves of me being with his son.

"So Tasnim, what do you see yourself doing after you have had enough of dancing?"

"Mr. Antoni, I have not given much thought to that."

"Please call me Foster. So where do you see this…thing with my son going?"

Carson steps in, now looking much pissed off. "Father, it is not a thing, and I think this is quite enough of that. Can we please just have dinner without the questioning?"

I look over to Carson in surprise; I think this must be the first time he has ever stood up to his father like this. Maybe I am not just another girl to him. I hope there are no consequences for disrespecting his father like that.

I pull him closer to whisper in his ear.

"Thank you."

"Anytime princess, but I am going to need those back."

"Hahaha. That ain't happening, Mr. Antoni."

…Carson POV…

 As the evening winds down, I am standing with my father at the bar while my mom and Tasnim are standing by the pool. I knew he would bring this up, but I did not think it would be so soon.

"You cannot continue to see her, Carson."

"Why not, father? Is it because she is an exotic dancer?"

"No. You know why."

"What does that have anything to do with me?"

"You know who her father is, and therefore you know who she is. I cannot allow this relationship to happen."