Playing Games

…Tasnim POV…

So I am sitting at work getting ready for my shift today; as I go to scratch for my lipstick in my bag, something pops out. I look at Tammy, and she looks at Jessie, and they both look back at me.

Tammy, with a wide grin on her face, is the first to ask. "Care to explain what that is?"

Jessie, with her wide smiley eyes, curiously stares at me. "Come on, girl, are you holding back on us?"

"Oh," I chuckle to myself. "It is just a little something I took from Carson."

"Ah, payback for the little stunt he pulled at the restaurant?" Jessie ask.

"And just a little to leave him hanging."

"Oh my god," Jessie still cannot keep her curiosity to herself. "Do not tell me you finally saw him naked?"

"Only to the point that I know that he is going to…will let us just say Mr. Antoni lives up to his reputation."

After swopping stories about the dreadful dinner, the girls make their way out of the dressing room. I stay behind to send a quick message to the very one and only Mr. Antoni, but let us say this message won't be like others. The girls helped me take a little photo that shall now land in his inbox. I need not even have to wait for long before I get an immediate answer.

"You do know that I am sitting in a room full of men?"

"What? Did you bring something to their attention?"

"Oh, you are the only place I want my attention drawn to."

"Then, I have accomplished what I wanted to."

"Oh, you are so bad. Just wait until I get there later."

"I will try to save you some."

"Princess, that is where you are wrong. That is all mine."

"See you later, Mr. Antoni."

"Bet your sweet ass on it."

…Carson POV…

So I am sitting here with the boys and some of the other guys that work for me. Suddenly, my phone lights up, and I am pleased to see that it is Tasnim. But as I open the message, my face lights up, not from feeling excited but from the fire, I feel burning deep within my core.

This girl is bad, a type of bad I am going to get myself lost in. Yes, my father told me to stay away, but we all know that Carson Antoni likes breaking the rules. It is not wise going up against my father, but something gives me an idea that this girl will be worth it.

I know she knows that I am the city's playboy, but does she know what I do? The question begs, if we get truly serious, I will have to then reveal some of it to her. Will she be able to accept me for whom I am?

I cannot help but think of the things I will do to her the day she finally gives herself to me. Something tells me that it might not be real soon, but I enjoy the little games we play with each other.

I am ripped from my thoughts when I hear Micah calling back at me,

"Hey, earth to Carson. Did you hear what I said?"

"No, just repeat that again."

"Is a certain Tasnim on your mind again?" Logan turns his attention to me as he asks.

"Don't get clever with me. What did you say, Micah?"

"That we all are going to the club tonight."

"Yeah, we always do."

"No, we all are, everyone here."

I look at the room filled with six men staring back at me. This poses as a problem; these are some of the horniest bastards in town. Am I going to let one of these perverts stare at my girl tonight? They have probably seen her naked, but she is mine now, which makes things a little different. Best I set the record straight here.

"If one, and I mean one of you, dare even to stare too long, then I am popping your kneecap."

Of course, Logan will be the first one to say something. "What constitutes as too long?"

"How long is a string?"

"Depends how long the string is?"

"Not very long."

"Then long is not long."

"You are damn right. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go grab something from my room."

I quickly make the way to my room; once in, I make sure to lock the door. My little princess thinks that she can play a game, well I can play it even better. One by one, I start to unbutton my white shirt; I slide it off my shoulders and toss it to the floor. With one flick, I loosen my belt, I drop my zip, and slide my pants and underwear down my legs to the floor. Now I have never done this, but quite to my surprise, I managed to snap a few perfect shots that are now on the way to her inbox.

I wait for a while as I know she is busy, but when she does answer, I am sneakily happy at her reaction.

"Well, Mr. Antoni, I do believe you have grown a few inches."

"An inch in the right direction?"

"Depends on which direction you would like to send it in."

"Hopefully, the one that requires the cover of those lace panties that I have."

"Who says it needs cover?"

"Princess, there are other things I would love to cover that with."

"And what might that be?"

"Give me a number between one to ten."


"Way off."


"That is a bit too generous."

"You got me?"

"I will show you tonight."

…Tasnim POV…

Well, I think I have just blushed brighter than my deep cherry red lipstick. Something tells me that was the first time that Carson did something so bold. And bold it was for that is an image I won't forget tonight.

The day drags, and it drags slowly; every part of me can't wait to see him. But I know that his father has probably told him how much he does not approve of me. His father, though, was very curious about my father and what happened to him. Do I really care about the opinion of his father? Only if Carson cares about it.

Close to six, I finally see him enter, but oh my word, he has six other men with him. The minute he sees me, it is like a firecracker lights his face. If there is something to behold, then it is this magnificent creature that comes up walking to me.

"Evening, Ms. Cummings."

"Well, evening to you too, Mr. Antoni."

"I do believe that you owe me something."

"And what might that be?"

"Why don't you go check in the ladies?"

"Mmm, curious? But I think I might just do."

…Carson POV…

She turns on her heels and spins around. Her tiny skirt flares in the air, and I catch a glimpse of that tight ass. I grind on my teeth real hard; this little vixen knows exactly what she does to me.

I only wait for a minute, and I find my way to the lady's room. I find her standing at the mirror, applying another coat of her favorite lipstick on.

"You are wasting your time in doing that."

"I think your teacher failed you, for I clearly read this is the ladies."

"Well, I just made it the gents too."

"I see you not even here for five minutes, and you are already breaking the rules."

"I will make you a deal; I will do what I am about to do behind in one of those cubicles."

"Who says I am going to allow you to?"

I do not even let her answer; I pick her off the floor and carry her inside to one of the cubicles. I place her naked ass onto the water tank and sit myself onto the seat of the toilet.

"What are you doing, Carson?"

"Finding something to cover you."


"Don't even finish that sentence; told you that you are mine."

I spread her smooth legs apart until all I can see is a gorgeous pair of red panties stare back at me. With only one finger, I pull them to the side. I slide my finger in between her lips and drag it down to the spot I find all her wetness. I do not even ask; I enter her with only my middle finger, but when she squirms, I enter another. I knot and twist them around deep inside of her while I listen to her moans. I knew she was tight but god, what I feel is even tighter than I could have imagined.

For a brief second, I stare into her bewildered eyes that are unsure exactly what I am about to do next. I move forward and let my tongue sink into her wet entrance. She gasps and digs her fingers into my hair. I run my tongue around in a circle and painfully slowly through her lips to her clit. Every inch of her tastes like a glorious pot of honey. I flick her clit with my tongue; I suck and hold to savor her for a few moments. I slide back through and once more circle her entrance.

I straighten her panties back and get off the seat. I open the cubicle door and make my leave out the door.

"See you later, princess."

…Tasnim POV…

What the hell was that? Did he seriously just do that to me? Oh, he is so going to pay for this, and I know exactly what I am going to do to him.

After composing myself, I make my way innocently to their table; Jessie and Tammy are already waiting for me.

And as if nothing has happened, he casually greets me. "Hey, Tasnim."


"Come meet the boys. You know Micah and Logan. The one with the spiky hair is Mason."

"Hey Tasnim, we heard a lot about you; nice to put a face to the body."

"Just ignore him," Carson carries on to introduce me to the guy. "That one that fell into a bottle of bleach is Jax."

"Howzit girl."

The next guy he introduces me to is Damian; he is kind of mean-looking and angry. "If you ever feel like dumping his ass, then I will give you my number."

Carson glares at him with a stare that can shoot daggers from his eyes. "Remember what I said about the kneecaps."

"Kneecaps?" I curiously ask.

"It is a long story."

Then some other guy with some wisecrack falls in. "As long as a string."

Carson introduces me to him. "That wise-ass is Leo."

"The entire city's bad boys, what did we do to deserve it?"

"The rest I don't know; for you, there is only me."

I love it when he says that. To think Carson is my putty, and I am his jelly, but first, next up is me.

I pull out a chair, not to sit on, but to get onto the table. I see him stare in shock but a bit more horror at me as I stand on the table in all my glory in front of him.

"What are you doing, princess?"