The Show Or Your Life

…Tasnim POV…

In all of my five-foot-four splendor and glory, I tower a table of six men. One of these men is my new playboy, Carson Antoni. The very same one that not but a few minutes ago left me frustrated and hanging, once again. So this, this will be my payback to him

To make this even more unbearable, I have his favorite color on. See, he is not a man that is hung up on your ordinary black or white; he is more a deep pink kind of man. And believe me, when he sees this one, he is going to wish he never left the ladies in the first place

I wait for Kyle to let the music begin; I have a very wide eye Carson staring at me. "Princess, what are you doing?"

"Can you not work on the floor?"

"You know that wise mouth will get you into trouble."

"Mmm. Now that you mention we have not tried that one yet."

"Now, please, princess, get off the table."

"I will as soon as I finished my table dance for you and the boys."

I watch him as his face goes serious again, he looks over to the boys, and for the first time, I get a glimpse of the Carson Antoni, that apart from his playboy reputation, has a feared one too. Now one thing I have heard, and I am not sure how true it is, but if you cross him, you might just find yourself tied to a cement block at the bottom of the river. But right now, this mystery of a man is sitting at my feet and had just caught a glimpse of something pink.

…Carson POV…

My princess is on the table, and I don't know what she thinks she is doing. If she thinks I will allow her to show these boys any part of those pink panties, well, she has another thing coming. But even though I am who I, there is no way I can stop her from dancing. What I can do is to stop these boys from watching.

"Now I hope you boys remember how long that string is."

But I can't even finish what I was trying to say, for the music comes thundering through the speakers. With one twirl of her finger in the air, Kyle dims the lights. Now I feel a lot better, for not many will see what I am seeing. She bends down to whisper in my ear, and I just know the rest of the table is seeing her tight ass. I grind on my teeth but give her my best smile, but I don't think she is convinced somehow. 

"Are you ready for the best show of your life?"

"Oh, princess, I have had that one already."

She slowly rolls her body, and I catch a glimpse of her pink panties again. She raises her long slender leg and places it on my shoulder. I watch the boys staring up her black skirt, and I clench my hands by my side in fists. I decide to only focus my eyes on her; otherwise, this is going to drive me insane.

I look up at her beautiful deep brown eyes that are smoldering with heat. I know this is going to cause her just as much arousal that it is going for me. She shows for me to take off her stiletto, and I only now see her lace stockings. The sight of them sends a shock to my core. How I would love to drag these off with only my teeth. I am a man that loves lace, and my god, she looks exquisite in these.

I place a trembling hand on the back of her calf and slide it up to her thighs. She looks at my wicked smile and knows that I am about to break the rules. I move my hand just an inch up until the tips of my finger make contact with her panties. I softly caress her for just a fraction of a minute. I take the edges of her stocking and draw them down her smooth leg, and red painted toes.

As she goes to place her other leg on my shoulder again, I pause to take a sip of my drink. As I throw my whiskey to the back of my throat, I take a big block of ice between my teeth. Her damn stockings have made me horny again, and gods know when I am, I break all the rules that I can. I watch as she points for me to take her other stocking off as well. But this time I have something planned. Without anybody seeing, I take the freezing block of ice from my mouth.

"Mr. Antoni, what are you up to again."

 "Nothing, princess."

"I fail to believe you; that smile on your face tells me otherwise."

"Do you want to take these off, or you want to do it yourself?"

She only shakes her head at me but still thinks that I am up to no good. I wink her with a naughty boy grin on my face; before she knows what is happening, I have slipped the ice into her panties sending her clit freezing. She gasps and mumbles my name under her breath.

" know that is against the rules." 

"They said no touching, nothing about slipping things into underwear."

"You know that is the same."

"Are you going to keep on talking or finish this dance of yours?"

"I thought you don't want me to do it?"

"Nah, I want to see what you can throw at me because you are not even close to making me horny."

"You know there are five other men around the table?"

"If they know what is good for them, they will look away."

…Tasnim POV…

Kyle skips the song to something more seductive, and I move to the center of the table; if 'mister I can break the rules' thinks he is touching me, well, I got news for him. I move my hands to rest on my waist and rock my hips from side to side. I lift my skirt up a few times to reveal my panties. Every second he gets a glimpse of pink; it is as if he stops breathing. I twirl around and go sit in front of him. I look at him over my shoulder.

"Do you mind pulling these strings?"

"For fuck sakes, princess, do you know what are you doing to a man here?"

"I thought I am not making you horny."

But instead of answering me, he places his hands on my back and pulls the strap of my bikini top loose at my neck. He ever so slowly runs his fingers down my spine; his mere touch sends warmth to my core. In an instant, it sparks my arousal. I drop my top on his lap and move back to the middle of the table. As I turn around and he sees my breasts, he looks at them as this is the first time he has ever seen it. I watch him grab his crotch and move a bit uncomfortably around.

I wiggle my ass and move my body in slow movements down to the table. I sit my ass flat down, and I swear he turns a white shade of pale. I arch my back and lay my body down in front of him. As he sees the boys watching me, his face starts turning a deep red. He mumbles something, but none of them is listening. I watch him as he watches me, and I start running my hands over my breasts. I hear him growl underneath his breath and once again readjusts himself. I lift my ass and call for him.

"Mr. Antoni, do you mind taking these off." 

"My god, princess."

He slides his fingers underneath the top of my skirt and pulls it down my legs. His face turns into lust and hunger as he now can see the full view of my pink panties.

"Dammit, Tasnim, get off the table."

"Not until I am finished, Carson."

I get back up and sway my hips again, knotting my fingers in and threatening to take off my panties. He almost nearly has a heart attack as I touch myself. I watch and chuckle as he really starts to lose control of the bulge in his pants. If I have to get off now, I swear he would have me on this table. I walk to him one more time and look at him deeply.

"Would you like to take off these?"


"My panties Carson or should I ask Leo?"

I watch as Leo smiles, but Chris shoots him a dead look. "Come closer, and I will take them off with my teeth."

"Not so fast, Rambo. You can pull the strings."

Before he stands up, he tries his best to hide his hard-on. His hands are trembling, and he is breathing heavily. He reaches to my waist and agonizingly pulls at the strings. As soon as it is loose, he pulls them straight through my lips and scrunch them in his hand and into his pocket.

"Another pair for my collection. Now, will you please get off the damn table?"

I do a few more twirls around and start to step off the table. As he helps me down, he softly whispers to me.

"I am so getting you back for this one."

"Oh, Mr. Antoni, I have a lot more up my sleeve."

"Princess, I will have you before you even get there."

I just laugh him off and make my way to the dressing room. Tammy and Jessie are there waiting for me.

"Damn girl," Jessie laughs at me as she can barely sit straight on her chair. "You had that man sliding around like a slippery fish."

"He is so going to tear you apart the next time he sees you." Tammy jokingly says, but I know that he for sure he is definitely going to get me back for this.

"Hahaha," I nearly fall over my feet from my own laughter. "By the time I get out, I am sure it would have worn off."

The next thing, the door of the dressing room swings wide open. All I hear is a firm voice of a man speaking.

"Everyone get out of here except you, Tasnim."

It is Carson that has come bursting through the door. I look at him bewildered and realize I have underestimated his influence and power.

"I said get out of here and don't bother coming back for the next hour."

I swallow hard and deep, for I know why Carson Antoni is walking up to me all hot and horny.

"Princess, that was not nice."

"Come on; you enjoyed it."

"Yes, just as much as you are going to enjoy what I am about to do to you," he says with that wicked little grin on his face. "And guess what?"

"No, please do tell me?"

"You already naked, and lucky for you, I do not have any underwear on, so all I can do is slip it in."

"Slip what in?"

The next thing, he drops his pants, and god am I going to be sorry, for I am about to have every inch of him deep up inside of me.

"Fuck, Carson."

"Yes, princess, that is what I am about to do to you."

He picks me up and places my body on the table. His hands drive deep into my ass as he pulls me closer and closer towards him. I feel the tip of his head press against my clit. I grab hold of the table and brace myself for his entrance.

But then there is a knock at the door, and I hear someone calling Carson's name.

"Can't you fucking see that I am busy?"

Then I hear Micah speak, "Sorry, man, but your father is here."