My Darling Isn't Fragile (1)

To think that her cousin was hiding this big of a secret from everyone, Tang Moyu understood now why Lu Tianxin wasn't comfortable meeting Ye Xiaozu. Still, nothing would change the fact that Luo Luo was Ye Xiaozu's nephew and he had the right to take the child away from her cousin if he wanted to.

No doubt that Lu Tianxin would be heartbroken by it if that happens and they could only delay the revelation until they were sure that Ye Xiaozu was strong enough to stop his relatives from eyeing Luo Luo's custody.

"Something troubling you?" Tang Moyu's train of thoughts came to a halt when she heard Feng Tianyi's voice. She turned her head to see him wheeling himself out of the guest room where the twins were sleeping.

At this rate, her twins might've just moved in here permanently rather than going back to the main house at all.

Tang Moyu closed her laptop and leaned against the couch where she sat. She rubbed her temple and took a deep breath.