My Darling Isn't Fragile (2)

The next days went by in peace. Lu Tianxin dealt with her work professionally and drew a clear line between her and Ye Xiaozu. When the day came for her and Ye Xiaozu to meet the site inspection together, she left her son at the Peach Blossom Garden again to spend time with Moyu's little buns. 

Shenzhen's Futian District used to be an agricultural village decades ago, but the heart of the city's manufacturing era gave way to today's modern business district. Lu Tianxin had been here before with Ye Yimei, but she noticed that there were so many changes since her last visit. 

The Futian District was mostly a residential district but it offers several scenic attractions and some great shopping areas too. Lu Tianxin's attention was fully immersed in the sounds, smells, and sight of the bustling city, where poor rural migrants and ultra-wealthy urban elites push forward with their daily lives.