If You Aren’t Our Daddy (2)

This was the scene that Tang Moyu found her children in when she arrived home. The twins were sleeping on the floor in the living area and Feng Tianyi was sitting next to them, reading a book in one hand while the other gently patting her daughter's back as she slept on her side. 

Feng Tianyi lifted his gaze from the book he was reading to Tang Moyu when he heard her footsteps in the hallway. 

The empress placed her bag down and removed her coat before circling the couch to sit next to him. She was wearing a three piece gray suit with her hair pinned in a low ponytail. 

Out of habit, she gave Feng Tianyi a quick peck on his lips before sitting next to him. 

"You are early today." Feng Tianyi commented, returning his attention to the book he was reading.