Don't Leave Me... (1)

It was rare for Feng Tianyi to see the empress in her home clothes with a pink apron on, standing in his kitchen barefooted. Her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her hand held a long cooking chopstick as she fried battered shrimps over the stove. 

Feng Tianyi walked straight towards her slowly, placing his cane on one side before hugging her from behind. He gently placed a kiss below her ear and watched on as she was cooking. 

"Mr. Qin, what are you doing? Please don't disturb me." Tang Moyu said with a teasing tone that wasn't lost to the devil. Once in a while, the empress still reverted to calling him Mr. Qin, especially whenever she was annoyed with him, which Feng Tianyi found a little endearing. She loved him when he was Qin Jiran, and she loved him even more as Feng Tianyi.