So Sly, Moyu (2)

"I'm surprised that you are willing to help Luo Qingqing. What has gotten into you, Moyu? You don't usually help random people, do you?" Feng Tianyi asked once they boarded his private jet. He was sitting next to her, looking at the pictures of the little buns on her phone.

"Hmm.. do you really think I'm a good samaritan, Tianyi?" Tang Moyu chuckled lowly. "I'm not that good, dear." She turned her head to face him. Cheng Ning was seated at the other part of the plane, giving the two some privacy of their own, taking a nap.

Feng Tianyi's eyes turned half lidded, holding the side of her face, pulling her in for a kiss. She didn't resist and allowed him to kiss her. Slow pecks became longer kisses, their lips refusing to part from each other.

"Really? Then mind telling me what you are up to?" He asked once they parted from each other, her arms now wound around him, both catching their breaths.