Song Fengyan and Luo Qingqing (1)

Tang Moyu woke up a little disoriented, trying to figure out where she was before she remembered that she was on a flight to Beijing with Feng Tianyi and Cheng Ning. Beside her, Feng Tianyi was reading a book in one hand while waiting for the jet to descend on the runway.

"Slept well?" He asked.

The empress squirmed in her seat before facing him.

"Are we there yet?" She responded with a question.

"Yes. We're about to land."

And just as he said it, the jet landed with a light thud on the runway. Tang Moyu placed her hands over the seat belt buckle, her entire body tense. This was one of the things she hated when flying, her heart beats so fast as if she'd just sprinted in a race towards the finish line.

Feng Tianyi closed the book he was reading and raised a brow at her.

"Eager to see the twins?"

"You can say that. I'm still not comfortable leaving them behind no matter how many times I've done it."