Song Fengyan and Luo Qingqing (2)

The car stopped in front of the mansion and the attendants came to open the backseat door for Feng Tianyi and Tang Moyu.

"Welcome back, Young Master." An old butler greeted the devil once he stepped out of the car. Feng Tianyi extended a hand to help Tang Moyu.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu. Where are the twins?" He asked the old man without looking at him.

"They are with your mother at the moment."

Feng Tianyi nodded and led Tang Moyu inside, not daring to release her hand from his. The attendants looked at each other in surprise, but no words came out to their lips. Feng Tianyi had never been seen bringing a woman with him to meet his mother and they hadn't expected to see Tang Moyu coming with him today.

They were greeted by everyone whom they met as they made their way inside the mansion, intending to find their little buns together. Tang Moyu only gave them a nod, not knowing how to introduce herself without being presumptuous.