The Pot Calling the Kettle Black (2)

How did Lin Qianrou know about that? Meng Yanran had never told a single soul about what she felt and thought when she was younger. She might have been surrounded and looked up by people, but there were times that she envied others who could experience what she couldn't as an heiress of a wealthy family.

In her whole life, Meng Yanran followed the custom of the Meng family. Always dressed properly, her manners and her conduct always on point.

She wished she could make friends without having to worry about them only using her because of her standing. She wanted the experience traveling alone without a huge entourage of bodyguards tailing her around.

Perhaps, she had been mean to Lin Qianrou because she was envious of what cousin had, that she hadn't. Lin Qianrou's mother was a Meng, Meng Yanran's aunt and her father's younger sister.