The Pot Calling the Kettle Black (3)

"Hey! That's too low, even for someone like you, Li Yuanyi!" Song Fengyan grabbed the other man's elbow, stopping him from leaving. "Don't insult her like that! You know nothing about the truth between us."

Li Yuanyi narrowed his eyes on him for a moment before pulling back his arm from Song Fengyan's hold.

"Fine. I'm sorry. I crossed the line. I shouldn't have said that." He sighed and ran a hand over his face in frustration. Everyone was telling him to talk to Meng Yanran, but it had never been easy to bare your heart to anyone just like that.

Like everyone else, Li Yuanyi feared rejection. It hadn't been easy for him to convince his parents to allow him to succeed the family business, because honestly, between him and Li Meili, his sister had a better head when it came to running a business.