The Pot Calling the Kettle Black (4)

When Song Fengyan arrived at Peach Blossom Garden after the airport, he didn't see the little buns he was hoping to see today. Only when he saw Feng Tianyi watering the crops the twins planted for this season did he remember that Xiao Bao and Little Star were still at school and wouldn't be home until this afternoon.

Ah, so much for troubling himself to come here. He should have gone home and get himself some beauty sleep, something he hadn't done for months since Feng Tianyi and Tang Moyu started Xiao Xing Diamond Co.

He couldn't believe how much money was involved in this project and he was somewhat nervous that they would fail this new endeavor his cousin and the empress had started.

There was no assurance that the company wouldn't suffer some losses on their first batch of production, but Song Fengyan wanted to be hopeful that everything would turn out just fine.