Wakey Wakey, Mommy! (1)

Tang Moyu was busy working behind her desk while Tang Feiyu was sitting on the couch across from her, drawing robots in his new sketchbook. The boy lifted his head from his artwork and smiled when he saw his father and Uncle Yan.

Little Star rounded the desk and gave her mother a hug.

"Hi, Mommy. Do you miss me?" She crawled up on her mother's lap and gave Tang Moyu a kiss on both cheeks. "I miss my Mommy."

"I miss you too, darling. Did you behave well? You didn't cause trouble for your Daddy Ji and Uncle Yan, did you?" Tang Moyu gave her daughter a good look.

"En! Uncle Yan and I had a good time together while waiting for Daddy to finish with his meeting." Little Star grinned at her mother.

A moment later, Lu Tianxin and Gu Yuyao also came to join them for lunch at Tang Moyu's office. They were happy to see the little buns visiting them at work today.