Wakey Wakey, Mommy! (2)

A heavy thump on the bed woke Tang Moyu up. Her eyes flew open as she sat up on Feng Tianyi's bed, rubbing her eyes, thinking something was amiss. The soft sound of laughter reached her ears causing her to turn around quickly to find its source.

It took her a moment, but she relaxed instantly when she found the cause. Her two little buns were already up before their usual waking time and were sitting next to her on the bed.

Resisting the urge to groan, Tang Moyu leaned her back on the headboard and shut her eyes again.

"Good morning, Mommy! Wakey wakey! It's time to wake up, Mommy!" She heard her daughter's cheery voice, clearly excited for their trip today. Her voice seemed far too loud in the early morning.

"Why are you up so early?" Tang Moyu inquired, cracking an eye open to look at her children. Weren't they having a hard time sleeping last night out of excitement? How come they were able to wake up so early and look so energized today?