Lan Xiyan Betrayed You (2)

Song Fengyan wasn't sure what to think or who to believe in anymore. Of course, after He Lianchen found a lead pointing to his elder sister, Song Xingji, Song Fengyan flew to Shanghai to confront her a week ago to meet her personally.

The two hadn't seen or talked to each other for years, so even Song Xingji was surprised to see her brother paying her a visit at her office in their family's headquarters. Song Xingji wasn't sure what brought her brother to her doorstep, but she could see the uneasiness in his eyes.

"Why did you do it?" Song Fengyan confronted her, watching her with eagle eyes as he sat across her while she was busy with work.

"Do what?" Song Xingji raised a brow at him. She had no idea what he was talking about. She wasn't even sure why he was here, looking for her.

"Lan Xiyan." Song Fengyan said as if it could explain everything he wanted to convey. When his sister said nothing, he continued, "why did you bribe her to leave me?"