Lan Xiyan Betrayed You (3)

Song Fengyan stared at his sister's face, trying to see if there was even a hint of deceit in her eyes, but there was none. He knew how his sister could be overprotective at times, but Song Xingji was a person who couldn't even hurt an ant if she had a choice.

"You didn't know…" He let the words trail off.

"No, I don't. Are you sure she was pregnant?" Song Xingji felt that she might have messed up her brother's life this time. "I only did that because I wanted to test her resolve. I never knew she was pregnant with your child."

"Y-yes…" came Song Fengyan's response. He lowered his head and looked at his shiny black shoes. Should he believe his sister or should he confront and hear Lan Xiyan's side first?