If She Had a Daddy (1)

So now, as Song Fengyan waited here with the little buns and Lan Yunru in daze, he wondered how long he needed to wait and to suffer before he could find out the truth. Just like what his sister said, if he wanted to make sure that girl was his, there's no better way but to run a paternity test with her.

Song Fengyan knew that there's a possibility that Lan Xiyan would lie to him again. Who knew what she was thinking when she deceived him about their child back then? He thought that after being with her for three years, he would be able to know what was on her mind, but boy, how wrong he was!

Once the little buns and Lan Yunru finished their snack, they resumed their play at once. Since Huo Yunhao had already left earlier, Xiao Bao had no other choice but to play with his sister and Lan Yunru. The three of them played toy blocks at the center of the room, while Song Fengyan searched everything he could read about 'Luo Qingqing' that was available online.