If She Had a Daddy (2)

Song Fengyan had no idea that his daughter was harboring these kinds of thoughts about him. If he knew, it would only make him feel guiltier than he already was. He had no idea that Lan Xiyan never talked about him with their daughter.

"Ah, Yun'er! Your mommy is finally here! She's come to pick you up!" The homeroom teacher called out, taking everyone's attention. It was already past school time and only the school staff, along with Song Fengyan and the three children were left.

Lan Yunru, who was still sitting with her back on Song Fengyan, jolted up from her seat and ran towards the door to see her mommy. Song Fengyan followed the girl with his eyes and it landed on the familiar woman he'd been waiting for.

"Mommy, you are here! I thought you forgot about me!" Lan Yunru wrapped her arms around her mother's thigh and smiled brightly at Lan Xiyan.