My Very Own Daddy (5)

Lan Yunru wasn't sure what was happening and why Little Star's Uncle Yan was here in their home, standing next to her mommy. They looked at each other as if they had known each other for a long time.

"Mommy?" The little dumpling called after her mother.

Lan Xiyan shared a knowing look with Song Fengyan before she sauntered towards their daughter, who was seated on the bed, staring at them with confusion apparent on her cute face. Lan Xiyan hesitated for a moment, but she knew she couldn't prolong this issue any longer. Her little Yunyun deserved to have a father, even if she and Song Fengyan couldn't be together.

She took a deep breath and mustered all the courage she had at the moment and faced her daughter, who was waiting in silence.

"Yunyun, listen to what will Mommy say first, okay?"

"Okay!" Lan Yunru easily yielded to her mother's request.

Lan Xiyan held her daughter's hand tightly and smiled bitterly.