My Very Own Daddy (6)

Lan Xiyan looked away, trying to hide her tears. Of course she had known how her daughter longed for a father. She didn't miss the sadness in Lan Yunru's eyes whenever she looked at other kids being pampered by both parents on their side, while she only had her mommy most of the time.

Lan Yunru wrapped her small arms around her father and wailed in his chest. She couldn't believe that she now had a daddy and it was Little Star and Feiyu's uncle.

"Daddy! I have a daddy? I really have a daddy!" She chanted over and over again.

Song Fengyan could only hold her closely, murmuring words in her ear to make her calm down, although he must admit, hearing her call him daddy brought so much joy in his heart.

Suddenly, he felt the grief that had resided inside of him dissipate into thin air as he held his daughter. After years of grief and sadness, he now had a chance to become a father to his child.