I Owe You Nothing (5)

Tang Moyu's words left Feng Tianhua greatly flabbergasted and confused at the same time. Why did Tang Moyu say something like that about his wife? As far as he knew, the two had never been close, although Xing Yiyue had tried to befriend the empress once, Tang Moyu had always kept her distance, not wanting to have anything to do with the two of them.

Even when Tang Moyu had left and he went back to his office… her office, the one that Tang Moyu used before. He took a seat behind his desk and ran his hands over his face in frustration. Tang Moyu was right. He was the only one who kept clinging on the past while it was so obvious that everyone else had already moved on with their lives.

He had to admit that Tang Moyu had hit him where it hurts, breaking his illusion that he still had a chance to be with her. He was reminded of what he had right now, and who was waiting for his return back at home.