I Don't Deserve You (1)

There was only one week left before Su Jingyi's notice period would be over, yet Yun Zhen still remained perplexed on how he could convince her to stay in the company. Su Jingyi had already passed most of her responsibilities to the new director that will replace her, teaching the man the necessary skills to help the Yun Group in the future.

"Are you sure you are worried about the company once Miss Su leaves, or it is you who don't know how to move on without her in your life?" Yun Ling asked his older brother as he slumped lazily on the couch across Yun Zhen's desk.

Yun Zhen's pen stopped mid-air as he lifted his head to glare at his brother.

"You've stayed here in Shenzhen for too long. Isn't it time for you to return to Beijing?" He retorted, not bothering to answer Yun Ling's question. However, he had to silently admit that his younger brother had a point.