I Don't Deserve You (2)

There's only a week left before she officially leaves the Yun Group, yet Su Jingyi felt that time was passing by too fast for her liking. No matter how she tried to convince herself that she would get used to not seeing Yun Zhen anymore, she couldn't help but feel down when she thought of not being with him anymore.

'Ha. How pathetic could you be, Su Jingyi? Still thinking about him when you should be worrying about your future.' She told herself as she stared heavenward outside the window of her office, the one that she had used for the past few years.

It was almost time for her to leave this place. Su Jingyi had so many memories here and had gained quite a few friends she could rely on, including Yun Zhen, but the thought of being free from the pain he had unknowingly inflicted on her sounds enticing. She was the one at fault here, since she was the one who caught feelings for him over time.