A Shrewd Person (1)

Even though Tang Moyu wanted to stop Li Meili from meeting the Zhang family, she knew that her best friend couldn't avoid meeting them eventually. She could only hope that Zhang Jiren would hold onto his promise and would protect Li Meili from his family.

The weekend came and Li Meili had been pondering on how she should act in front of the Zhang family. She certainly cannot let Zhang Wuying know that she was pregnant with Tang Beixuan's child, but with her status as Zhang Jiren's wife now, she hoped it'd be easier to fool others; that the child she was carrying was her husband's considering how fast they registered their marriage.

Li Meili had been pacing back and forth inside her room as she waited for Zhang Jiren to come home from work. Her husband had told her to wait until he was done with work and they could go together to the Zhang family's scheduled dinner that night.