A Shrewd Person (2)

Li Meili tried her best not to scrunch her nose in disgust when she first saw the Zhang estate. Like the other wealthy families in the country, it seemed like the Zhang family liked to brag about their wealth in public.

Everywhere she looked, there was a servant station at the place where she was looking. It was almost comical when she imagined that the Zhang family might even station someone to guard outside their doors like royalties.

"This is the place where you grew up?" She asked Zhang Jiren.

"No. Half of my childhood years were spent in the orphanage." Zhang Jiren said in response, which shocked his wife.

Li Meili knew that he was an illegitimate child, but she never knew that he used to live in an orphanage. She then realized that she truly didn't know much about the man she had married. It now made sense to her why Zhang Jiren didn't seem close with the Zhang family and how he didn't hold their opinion in consideration when they got married.