Anything For You (2)

Li Meili filled him in on the things that were happening at the competition and Zhang Jiren listened intently. He hadn't thought that there's that kind of thing happening at the somewhat prestigious contest, but he wasn't surprised at all. 

Li Meili played with a strand of her hair, her eyes sweeping the room, finally noticing some of the details she failed to notice earlier. There was a sparkly, colorful mobile rotating over the crib. Since she was able to convince her husband not to tear the hardwood flooring, Zhang Jiren decided to cover it with carpet instead. 

On the other side of the room, there were dinosaur toys and teddy bears neatly placed on top of the drawers. Next to the crib, there was a well cushioned rocking chair that was no doubt prepared just for her. 

Zhang Jiren was doing his part well that made Li Meili a little guilty over it. Wasn't he going too far on his pretending? Did he really have to do all of these for her and Leyan?