He Has No One but You (1)

Tang Moyu joined her husband at the couch, watching their twins play with Huo Yunhao and Lan Yunru. Since their sixth birthday was just in the corner, they needed to finish the preparation for the celebration. 

"So how's your mission going? Were you able to convince Little Star?" she asked Feng Tianyi, taking a peek over his shoulder only to see the list of desserts and dishes their twins wanted for their birthday. 

She raised a slender brow when she saw a bucket of popcorn on the list. What kind of birthday party did her twins have in their minds to ask for popcorn? Were they planning to have a sleepover with their friends again? 

"No, she insisted she didn't want a baby sibling," Feng Tianyi sighed. He was already running out of ideas how to convince their daughter. Was Little Star worried that they would forget about her once her younger sibling comes?