The Awarding Ceremony (2)

Since Liu Ruoyan had come earlier than Li Meili and Zhang Jiren, she—of course—witnessed the scene of their arrival. Everyone was talking about how the couple looked so good together, and she couldn't help but grit her teeth in annoyance. 

Did Li Meili have to rub it on her face that not only did she lose her chance on Feng Tianyi, but she also couldn't get her hands on Zhang Jiren? Li Meili surely knew which button to push to annoy her. 

When Zhang Jiren and Li Meili made their appearance, some who didn't know who they were assumed that they were sort of celebrities, given how perfect they look like being together. Li Meili had a warm smile on her face as she hooked her arm on Zhang Jiren's as they walked on the red carpet.