If I Sing You a Song (1)

"I've wanted to ask, Meili, why did you choose to use Black Nightingale instead of your own name as other popular designers do?" Zhang Jiren asked while the crowd was still mesmerized by Luo Qingqing's appearance. 

Li Meili kept her eyes on her model but her mind was trying to find the right words on how to respond to her husband. It was the first time someone asked her that question, and not even Tang Moyu knew the reason behind 'Black Nightingale'. 

"What do you know about the nightingales, Jiren?" she asked in return, pleased that the person seated next to her was too engrossed at the scene on the stage, giving her and Zhang Jiren a moment of privacy to talk about her pseudonym. 

"I don't know much about nightingales," Zhang Jiren confessed. "What I do know is that they are slightly larger than robins and are well known for their lilting beautiful songs and they are also hard to find nowadays."