If I Sing You a Song (2)

Speaking of the empress, Li Meili had no idea that her best friend and Feng Tianyi had also come to Beijing to watch the event and to show their support. Feng Tianyi had managed to secure an invitation for him and his wife, and was able to keep their attendance a secret from the media sources. 

"Are you sure you don't want Li Meili to know yet that we are here?" Feng Tianyi asked. Tang Moyu had cleared up their schedule for the whole week, just to show her support here for her best friend. 

"I know Meili. I'm sure she would feel pressured if she knew I am here," Tang Moyu said in return as she and her husband took their seats at the VIP lounge which gave them a good view of the stage. She could also see her best friend seated next to her twin brother near the stage.