You Reap What You Sow (1)

Zhang Jiren was the grandson he attempted to dispose of along with Yan Qiuyu. He had never thought that the boy would survive and would exact revenge along with his twin sister. The longer Elder Tang looked, the more he could see Tang features on Zhang Jiren.

He had the same eyes as Tang Moyu, and the way he presented himself reminded the old man of his deceased son. While the empress inherited the peerless beauty of her mother and Tang Lixue's personality, Zhang Jiren possessed both good qualities and physical features of their parents.

To think that Tang Lingjun lived and lived as a Zhang...

Ha! What was Zhang Xianzhe even thinking of keeping the boy alive? The old man wondered.

Did he think he would be able to manipulate and possess the fortune of the Tang family by keeping Tang Lingjun by his side? So in the end, it seemed the Zhang family wasn't planning to uphold their promise and instead vie after the Tang family's fortune.