You Reap What You Sow (2)

It was hard for Tang Moyu to stay calm upon seeing their grandfather. Even if she was mad, a part of her didn't want to believe that he was the one responsible for all the suffering her family endured for years. 

As she left the detention facility with Zhang Jiren, she didn't utter a single word until he dropped her off at Peach Blossom Garden. She wasn't that heartless, after all. People might think that she was cold and unfeeling but when it came to her family, Tang Moyu was willing to do anything to protect and care for them. 

So for her to send her own grandfather to jail, keeping him there for the rest of his remaining years still affected her somehow. If it was because she had some attachment to the Tang family, Tang Moyu wasn't sure. They shared the family name, yet, she truly didn't feel like she had a family growing up.