Reborn (2)

• Sometimes, help comes from the most unexpected of people. •


Hayley looked at the big suitcase in front of her, her hand tightening its hold on her backpack. Her adoptive parents had kicked her out for good.

"We can't do this anymore."

"You have so much rage, it's not proper for a lady to be so angry all the time."

"Take this. We don't want you to be defenseless nonetheless."

Hayley snorted at the enveloppe full of cash her adoptive father had put in her hands at the end of their 'intervention'. No matter what their motives were, she couldn't help but resent the Marshall couple. It was no wonder canon!Hayley turned out to be so insecure and cold.

After allowing herself a small pity party, her eyes moved from her luggage to the house at the end of the street.

There lived Naya "Marmee" Phillips. An eccentric old lady that was always thoughtful and very kind to Hayley when she was a child.

Looking back at the memories, Hayley cursed her damned luck. If she hadn't looked closer, she wouldn't have seen the garden, she wouldn't have seen the necklace and more importantly, she wouldn't have seen the grimoires.

Canon!Hayley didn't know of the supernatural so she didn't get to talk to the old witch. But now that Hayley took this life into her hands, she would turn all the cards in her favor. Even if it meant making a deal with a witch.


In front of a lilac-colored front door, Hayley took a deep breath, lifting her hand to knock.

Before her knuckles could even hit the wood, the door swung open, revealing an older woman with bright orange hair, clear brown eyes with a knowing glint. She was sporting a kind smile.

"I was waiting for you, dear," the old witch clapped her hands, making the multitude of bracelets dingle. "We have much to do. And much more to learn."

Hayley was staring at the older lady with a befuddled look. " ... Hey, Marmee, sorry to stop by unannounced but could you house me for a few ..."

Naya interrupted Hayley, taking her large suitcase. "You'll be staying with me, little one. Your room is already put together, we only need to decorate it to your taste."

"What?" Hayley was genuinely dumbfounded. "I don't understand."

Having successfully ushered the young girl inside and closed the door, Naya put her hands on either side of Hayley's shoulders. "Taking another person's life is hard on the soul but do not worry because I'll be here to help."

"How do you know?" Hayley asked. It wasn't possible for the witch to know so soon. "And help me with what?"

"Everything!" Naya exclaimed. "With life, death, love, definitely love," the older woman winked at Hayley. "And ... to hold your hand because being a wolf is the least of your worries."

"Really?" The sarcasm was thick in Hayley's voice. "As if I don't know that I'm not the only bite-y creature out there but I'm definitely the smallest." Not to mention the witches who were prone to curses and hexes whenever someone pissed in their cereal.

"Well ~ ," Naya guided Hayley to the living room, as eccentric-looking as its owner. "There's also the small fact that you're a witch. But before I explain the complexity of your history, I'm gonna need a drink."

" .... .... WHAT?!"


"Can I have one?" Hayley asked as she eyed Naya's glass of bourbon.

"Are you of age and merely physically late?" The older woman retorted with an arched brow.

Hayley shrugged. "I'm grown ... in my head."

"Well, drink ... in your head."

Hayley rolled her eyes. "We're getting distracted here," she said. "What exactly did you mean earlier? I'm no witch. I mean, I would know if I was."

Either Naya hid the surprise of hearing a thirteen year old express herself so well or she knew something but right now, Hayley was too tired and hungry to care about her cover.

The old witch put her glass back on her counter, opening an old grimoire and motioning Hayley closer. The young girl stood up, shifting couches to seat next to Naya. She leaned closer.

"What's that?" She asked, looking at an intricate design.

"That, my dear, is a celtic symbol for immortality and inner strength," Naya replied, her fingers stroking the paper. "It is what will appear on your body once you utter your first spell."

"Marmee, I'm not a witch," Hayley kept denying. If she was a witch on top of being a werewolf, she couldn't imagine how hard her life would get.

She only wanted to laze around and remain alive in this life. She was on no quest of power. Besides, canon!Hayley wasn't a witch so it was impossible for her to be one ... right?

Instead of replying, Naya flipped to the next page, revealing the drawing of a young girl — with long black hair, holding the hand of an older woman that looked just like her —. The image sent shivers of anticipation down Hayley's back. The little girl's eyes were so dark yet so light. It was daunting but beautiful.

"This is Inadu and her mother," Naya explained, her voice low. "They are your distant ancestors from your father's side. And this ..." The older woman flipped to the next page, making Hayley's eyes bulge out of their sockets when she saw a drawing of herself. "is you. The prophesied dark one who would one day stop darkness itself."

Hayley felt her jaw drop. It wasn't enough to be reincarnated, she had to go and trigger a dark prophecy on her own damn self?! How was she even supposed to "one day" stop The Hollow when she didn't know a thing about magic?

"Is it too late to run away?" Hayley quickly stood up, mumbling to herself as she paced back and forth in Naya's living room. "No way. Just no freaking way. I was ready to accept being a witch and a werewolf, but if I accept this, I'll never get any sleep ever again in this life. Nuh-uh. No way."

Naya chuckled on the side. "It's only a prophecy, dear. Nothing is written in stone," she assured. "But it doesn't erase your heritage and the fact that you are indeed a witch. And a powerful one at that."

Hayley breathed deep, calming her mind as she focused on the memories of the show. Sheila Bennett always told Bonnie she had to concentrate to do magic and Hayley had to try.

She was sure it would fail anyway.

Taking another deep breath in, she felt for something move deep inside her before chanting the only spell she had ever memorized. "Incendia!"

Naya's fireplace was suddenly overtaken by a mix of hot white and dark blue flames, startling Hayley away from the place.

"Holy shit!" She exclaimed. "Marmee! Holy shit! Look!" Hayley's hands were in her hair, her eyes glued on the fireplace.

Holy shit. She was a witch.

"Language, young lady," Naya corrected, walking over before she put a hand on Hayley's shoulder. "I told you, little one. We have much to do."