I was feeling epic

"Take flight, little bird."


"How is this even happening?"

After the siblings had reunited, the three of them were seated around a small bonfire. Rebekah was so happy her mindscape was a perpetual calmness as shown by the spring-like weather now in the clearing.

"I believe what links us is you, little one." Finn mused, his hair playing with the ends of Rebekah's blonde locks. "Perhaps you have both our items in close proximity?"

Hayley tilted her head to the side, trying to recall when she'd put them before her eyes lit up, her mouth making an 'o' shape. "That's it!" She slapped her thigh hard. "I have your ring and Rebekah's hairpin in a small jewelry box in my suitcase. I didn't want to lose them on the field."

While Hayley was lost in thoughts over this new discovery. "It's fascinating. So that means as long as your items are together, you both are together." Rebekah's eyes wandered down at Finn's hand, which was gently stroking Hayley's thigh, as if to soothe it after the brunette had hit it hard. A knowing twinkle shone through the blonde's eyes.

"So..." Hayley pretended to look extra long at both siblings. "I'm guessing you know each other?" It'd been a year and neither knew she had been seeing the other in her dreams. She'd planned to keep it secret for a few more months but I guess some secrets she couldn't keep to herself.

Rebekah nodded, holding Finn's hand tight. "Finn's my oldest brother." There was unbearable fondness in that tone.

"Wow," Hayley acted amazed. "I thought meeting you both in these circumstances was a coincidence but I guess not..."

"Indeed." Finn's probing gaze rested on Hayley's face. "You seem to be connected to our family."

Rebekah quickly dispelled the serious turn of the conversation and giddily rushed her brother away. I guess they had centuries to catch up on. Or maybe not. Hayley couldn't figure out that family.

She laid back in the grass, deciding the Mikaelson mysteries could wait for another day.


Hayley was annoyed.

The cheer squad had some free time in McKinley to celebrate their win the night before, which should've put her in a good mood but no, she was miffed. The reason being the clumsy brunette following in the forest behind her.

"Elena, you didn't have to come."

The other brunette was following her quick pace with difficulty. "Hayls, slow down!" She huffed. "Bonnie and Caroline are spending their free time together so I thought we could spend ours together as well." It took everything in Hayley not to roll her eyes. She didn't, however, slow down. Elena had chosen to follow her and disturb her peace, she was not going to make it easy.

Between ragged breaths, Elena was busy filling the silence with her incessant talking while Hayley led them towards a very small clearing. When they arrived, Hayley pointed at her left. "You can drink that water." She advised Elena, who reluctantly walked towards the clear lake.

When Elena had her back turned, Hayley swiftly opened her backpack, taking a slingshot out of it before she found a nice flat stone. As silently as she could, she aimed at a particular tree, letting go of the stone and smiling when she heard a thud. She walked over to that tree, looking at the knocked out crow. This annoying bird had been following her all morning and it was high time she showed its owner her life was not a telenovela.

"Hey, Hayls, now what do we do?" Elena started walking back.

Kneeling down, Hayley muttered a quick spell before she scooped the crow into a large box and threw it in her backpack. "Now we enjoy nature." She lied. "I planned to just lay in the clearing, reading a book to relax."

"Oh," A nervous chuckle escaped Elena. "You know what? I think I've taken in enough sun. I'll wait for you back at the hotel, then we can go for drinks when the girls get back."

"Sure thing."

And just like that, Elena was out of her hair.


A couple hours later, Hayley stood in the basement of Whitmore College, unnoticed when she'd invaded the school grounds.

The basement was eery and quiet except for a very faint stony breathing.

She was here for one Lorenzo St. John.

Around this time in the original timeline, Enzo was still imprisoned in the cell but nobody had come down to torture him in about a year.

Shrugging the heavy charge she'd been lugging around on the floor, Hayley approached the sell, placing her left hand on the lock. "Reserare." She chanted, hearing the lock break from the inside. She threw the thing aside and opened the cell.

It was dark inside. The only light coming from a small window in the ceiling. It was enough for Hayley to see the nearly dessicated vampire lying in the middle of the cell though.

Lorenzo St. John. Enzo. Tortured, angsty, reckless. A loose cannon.

She had no interest in his life though. His freedom just aligned with her need to annoy the spirits and to get rid of another bug.

With a snap of her finger, the heavy charge she'd dropped on the floor earlier slowly made its way to her, dropping at her feet unceremoniously. The dark cloth opened to reveal an unconscious man.

Hayley opened her backpack, feeling a bit like Dora the explorer with all the items that kept going in and out of it that day, and pulled out a knife. Without a care in the world, she slashed the man's throat, dragging his heavy body to align with Enzo's. Once a few drops of blood had fallen in the vampire's mouth, his ghastly hands gained enough strength to hold onto the man himself and drink to his heart content.

Hayley stood to the side, as if that scene wasn't happening in front of her, and took out a map and the box with the crow in it from her bag. She laid the map down before she twisted the crow's neck, allowing a few drops of blood to taint the map. She then removed the talisman around her neck, hanging it above the map as the blood was already moving with her magic. "Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Vera. Suquita Segenis, Amentes Ase Nichan, Egapetos!" The locator spell was quick and efficient, she memorized the location for later use. She pulled out a water bottle from her bag, washing her hands before noticing Enzo slowly coming to himself from the corner of her eye.

Enzo caught the water bottle she threw at him and started cleaning his face. He'd already pushed the body aside and looked positively alive now. His color had come back and it was as if he'd never been hurt. Outwardly at least.

"A brave act, darling." His eyes were wild when he looked up. "But who's to say I won't do the same to you?"

"You can try." Hayley gave him a smile. "I've been itching for a fight lately."

"I'll pass on the offer. I know who I can fight." Enzo stood up. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"What did you save me?"

Hayley walked to the middle of the cell where he was, flicking one his locks. His hair had grown significantly long in captivity. "I was feeling epic."

He arched a brow, not believing her one bit. Madness was still tearing a bit at his mind, telling him to kill any and everything in his way until the Whitmore family was extinguished. Forever. "Nothing is free in this world. I know that."

"And you are right." Hayley confirmed. "But for now, you're free, little bird." He frowned at the nickname, unfitting for a big bad vampire like him. "My only ask is when I do call, you answer. Any day, at any time." She wasn't planning on using him but it wouldn't help to leave herself backups everywhere she went. His eyes clashed with hers, looking for any deception like he'd seen in the eyes of those dreadful humans. Her green eyes were clear, so calm it was a bit eery.

"That's it?"

"That's it."

He was gone before she could say anything else. She wasn't worried about him and the sun, she'd noticed the daylight ring on his right ring finger.

Her task now done, Hayley turned around to the man now devoid of life. She threw some binding herbs on his body. "Incendia!" And lit the body on fire.

"Farewell, Atticus Shane."

In this cell, he was bound by her magic forever. His body gone, his spirit stuck. That's what he deserved.


Later that night, Hayley was sleeping soundly in her own bed, unaware of someone watching her through the window.

Enzo looked down at his unlikely savior. He had much to do, many people to kill, but when he was done, when his soul was a bit more salvaged. He'd come back.

For the cold, green-eyed beauty.