What Goes Around

"Comes back around."


"Relax, brother. I'm the expert at this, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, when am I ever not careful? ... Shut up, we do not speak of Slovakia!"

"... The little witch is waking up, I'll keep you guys updated."

Hayley was slowly coming to when she heard a muffled voice, a man speaking with an English accent. Nobody was replying to him though so her muddled mind assumed he was on the phone.

She groaned. "I'm going to fucking kill you." She couldn't see a thing so she focused on her breathing to calm down enough to open her eyes. "I'll make you wish you never came out of the womb!" She was pretty sure her wolf was shining through her gaze right about now. Just as pissed as Hayley.

Heavy footsteps sounded closer. "Tut tut tut, language, young lady." There was mirth in the man's voice.

A cloth was pulled from Hayley's head, making her realize the reason it'd been so dark when she woke up. "Really?" She sneered. "You think I wake up every morning and spend extra care on my hair for this kind of bullsh-.."

Hayley was rendered speechless.

And that was not an easy feat.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Fucking Kol Mikaelson pulled a chair opposite hers. He was sinful. Tall, dark, handsome. Well, more pretty than handsome but it suited the whole carefree thing he had going for him.

She ignored their freakishly similar interrogation tactics, her thoughts focused as they were on figuring out how the hell he was out of his coffin.

Finn aside, Kol was the other two dimensional character the show didn't explore enough. The only predominant setting of his she remembered was him feeling perpetually resentful towards his family.

Hayley's gaze snapped down to hide her surprise, her brain working overtime to speak full sentences. "Chains, really?" She arched a brow when she noticed the heavy chains around her. It was right then that she felt the wolfsbane all over the chains as well, the pain hitting her in nasty waves.

That was one annoying thing she'd completely forgotten. Nobody had ever challenged her wolf this far — barely anyone even knew she was a hybrid — so she hadn't felt the need to deal with wolfsbane.

"Call it additional security." Kol dragged, leaning forward. "Now, little witch. Or dare I say the infamous Hayley Marshall. Witch extraordinaire, secretive wolf, and with many minions looking into my family. Why is that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Hayley feigned ignorance. She'd had years to perfect this little act. "Who's your family?"

Kol leaned even more forward, tall enough that his arms reached behind her back in that position. They were now awfully close and Hayley could feel his breath on her cheek.

"This can go one of two ways." He yanked the chains hard, the wolfsbane digging deeper in her skin. He chuckled at her pained groan. "You answer my questions willingly or there's going to be a heck of a lot more pain involved."

Hayley's wolf was shining through her eyes, her gold pupils clashing with his browns. She leaned towards him, bringing their mouths less than an inch close. "Are you trying to turn me on? Go on, it's working." Her eyes flashed with satisfaction at the slight shock on his face.

But Kol Mikaelson was not to be easily undone. "Your wish is my command." He mocked, licking his lips so close to hers that they touched but she was too distracted by the painful tightening of the chains. "I can do this all day, darling. Now start speaking."


Hours later, Hayley was cursing under her breath.

"Shitface. Fucker. Motherfucker!!" She had far more colorful words to describe Kol but she kept it pretty pg, just in case Marmee was watching from the peace land or something.

Damn it! She should've gave Kol some bogus excuse as to why she was looking into his family. Instead, her stubborn ass had her withstanding the mother of all torture with the psychopath Mikaelson who took extreme pleasure in seeing her in agony.

It wasn't that Hayley didn't want to manipulate Kol to her side, she was just honestly shocked the whole way through that he was out and about doing his thing instead of being in a coffin. And if he was out here, why was Rebekah still being paraded around in a wood box?

Hayley finally had a good look at the place. They were in some sort of remote hotel she reckoned. Her second guess would've been an abandoned house but she could hear some life outside the window.

Despite all the questions that plagued her mind, Hayley focused on squeezing blood from the cut on her right hand, drawing magic from the very earth to soothe her exhausted spirit.

Kol had made one critical mistake in this whole ordeal. In targeting her wolf side, he'd forgotten she was a very resourceful witch.

"Hey, pretty boy!" She called out. "Can a girl get at least some water?"

Kol appeared a few seconds later in the room, throwing a bottle of water in her lap, a smirk teasing his lips at the tiny frustrated sounds that escaped her mouth.

Hayley grind her teeth, offering a tight smile. "Very funny." She so wanted to kill him right now.

"Let's have a trade," he sat back, dangling the bottle in her face. "What is your business with my family?"

Hayley made a show of clenching her jaw tight, allowing a good minute to pass by before she 'gave in'. "I have a business. A pretty successful one, I'm sure you already know, you stalker." Her eyes threw daggers at him. "My clients are all vampires of the Old World and believe it or not, they gossip more than teenage girls. So one thing led to another and I heard mention of the Originals."

"And this interests me how?"

"You have power." Hayley wasn't bullshitting on this one. One of the Mikaelson's greatest asset was their power over the masses. "I want it."

Kol arched a brow, skeptical. He'd thought better of the little witch. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he'd hoped she would make him work way harder for it. "So... you're greedy?" He wasn't totally an asshole as he brought the bottle closer, a hand behind her neck as he fed her.

The moment he pulled back, she took her chance. He didn't even see it coming; in a split second, her teeth had latched on his throat, hard enough to draw blood. Startled, he pushed her a bit hard, making her land on the floor.

Hayley swallowed the blood, chanting very quickly. "Phasmatos Nostram Vitam Coniungo Simul. Phasmatos Tantun In Morte Erimus Separati." As she finished the last word of her spell, Kol's hands were on her neck, squeezing as warning. "What. Did. You. Do?!"

"A life for a life." Hayley uttered in a ragged breath, showing a bloody smile. "If I die, you die."


Some very impressive curses and a mouth wash later, Hayley was free of chains, sitting by the hotel's window while Kol was seated on the bed. Silent.

"Are you done sulking?"

Kol frowned. "I do not sulk."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Are you done being manly upset?" In spite of himself, a small smile hinted at his lips before it disappeared. "Come on. Stop being pissy already, you kidnapped me, tortured me and now you're shocked I retaliated?"

"I did not link my life with yours." Not that he could've. He lost his magic when he became an Original.

"Listen, this goes both ways." Hayley heaved a sigh. "If I die, you die. If you die, I as well." This was a big fat lie he did not need to be aware of. In the short time she'd had, the spell could only be one-sided.

As long as Kol Mikaelson lived, she would too. But if she died, nothing would happen to him.

She'd realized awhile ago that Kol and her were too alike in their ways. He wouldn't have listened to reason if he did not have an incentive strong enough. And Hayley was pretty sure his life was up there on that list, especially since it had never been threatened. What with originals being virtually unable to die and what not.

"We might as well come to an agreement." Hayley proposed.

Kol was reluctant. He would never hear the end of this from his siblings. "I don't make agreements."

"You do now." Hayley stood up, walking the length of the room to stand in front of him. "I believe we started off on the wrong foot. Not really my fault," He rolled his eyes. "Hi, I'm Hayley Marshall."

And Hayley Marshall would lie, pilage and steal to stay alive.

After a few unbearable seconds, Kol met her in the middle. He shook her hand. "Kol Mikaelson. And I'm about to become your personal nightmare, darling."