Julian 1.2

I was never great at consoling people. I could give you a brilliant way out of your trouble, but comforting was where I lack the skill. Rachel would come to me after every breakup and I never seemed to make it better by opening my mouth.

I told her to ditch the boy, but they always end up getting back together in less than few hours. When this sort of emotional turbulence happens, I either ignore it until it went away naturally, or I would change the subject.

"What's your favorite animal?"

"Oh, so now you're twelve too?" he pulled me closer.

"Just answer it," I pulled my hand back.

"Hmm… A seal?"

"Why? That's such an unusual one."

"Because the French for seal is Phoque," he smiled and looked down at my face, anticipating a reaction.

"You're really a twelve-year-old, I hit his stomach with my hand.

"What's yours then? A sssssnake?" he held my hand to resemble the head of a snake and made me hit myself on the head with it.

"Hey! They're beautiful creatures. But my favorite would be the misunderstood wolves," I tried to hit him with my hand again, but he easily pushed it with minimal effort.

"Wouldn't have guessed. You're pretty sensitive, huh?" he stuffed my hand in his front pocket as it kept squirming to escape his clasp.

"They look pretty behind those scary and mysterious facades, what's not to like?" I sighed.

"So are you," he muttered quietly as he gazed at something far away.


"Shh…" he covered my mouth with his hand, letting go of my hand, 'did you hear that?'

The cowardly dog whimpered in fear behind my leg at the sight of my neighbor's German Shepard.

"He's tied up to that pole. Let's just go home now," I yanked my hand from inside his pocket and pulled him away.

And that was when the stupid dog barked at Nancy, which caused her to run. I instinctually ran after her. When I finally caught up to her, I looked back and caught the sight of a big furry dog barring its teeth while charging full speed at me.

Before I could protect the dog, I was lifted off the ground and was moving towards my house. Julian had carried both the dog and I on his shoulders and ran. He set me down and sealed the door behind us as the hunter kept barking and clawing on it.

"F*ck! Do you drink gasoline for breakfast?" I hunched.

"No, I ate toast. Remember?" he smiled, "are you okay?"

"You know what I mean. How are you so strong?"

"You're not that heavy. I guess that's enough adventure for tonight. Go get some rest. Another big day tomorrow,' he stroked my hair and disappeared upstairs with Nancy hopping happily behind, as if nothing happened.

I had a decent sleep. I woke up to my alarm, took a shower, dressed up, packed my bag, and went downstairs for breakfast. Jake was almost unrecognizable with his hair styled and dressed in navy suit and tie.

"Grab a sandwich. I have an interview in an hour," he rushed through his coffee and apple.

"For?" I opened the fridge to grab the milk carton.

"An apprenticeship with Dr. Schubert," he grabbed his car keys and walked into the garage.

"Oh my God! That sounds great, Jake!" I struggled to keep up with him.

"I know! I haven't told mom and dad about it yet though," he paused before starting the car.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. And I'm almost done with school. We can move out by this month. You'll go to college and I can take care of the house. I can even get a part time job before Uni starts," I tried to reassure him.

"Yeah, you're right. This will be good for us. With Julian splitting the rent with us, we could easily afford a three-bedroom apartment in the suburbs," he held my hand.

"You'll finesse the interview and I'll try my hardest to get accepted by a local campus."

Fortunately, the road was relatively empty. He dropped me off and we both went about our day. The exam was mildly challenging, but I think I managed to at least score an A-. I collected a record high of 115 bucks in cash. It truly was the most feared subject.

Julian picked me up at school and discussed about our plan of splitting an apartment and Jake's interview on our way home. He mentioned his excitement before he excused himself to go somewhere. I didn't ask much as I didn't want to invade his privacy. And I wanted to keep my own word of not getting attached.

Rachel came over and we both reviewed the materials for our Biology exam. Rick came over to pick her up and I was left at home alone again. Jake arrived home not long after and shared his story about the interview and how they had welcomed him to the team.

They went for dinner together as an initiation. I shared the bed with Nancy as her master hadn't made his return even after midnight. Yes, I waited in the kitchen for him. Just in case he needed any help. Nothing weird.

The only time I saw him over the next day was when he picked me up from school. No news of his whereabouts before and after our silent 30 minutes' drive. He seemed to be distracted by something more than anything.

I managed to ask if there was something, he wanted to share with me, but he responded by shaking his head put on a fake smile. I wouldn't say we were strangers, but it still irked me to be personal about his problems.

Then again, I was just a seventeen-year-old teen girl that needed someone to drive me home. There's no time for heartbreak or romance in my agenda.