Julian 1.3

Boy, was I wrong. Today was the last day of my exam week and the class was throwing a party at Stella's house to celebrate our last class gathering. I had agreed to show my face after Rachel begged me to.

It didn't make much sense to me as she would just ditch me and dance or snog with Rick anyway. But I couldn't resist the thought of free food and booze. Besides, I needed the refreshment. Not to mention, I needed to get my head off Julian's weird behavior.

The party started at 5pm. Julian dropped me off at home and disappeared again for the rest of the day. Jake had started his new job and took the car with him. Fortunately, Rick was kind enough to let Rachel guilt-trip him into carpooling.

Stella's house was packed with people from our school and their own guests. There were at least 150 people in the backyard. The lovebirds had decided to bail on me early and mingled with the basketball team. I grabbed a plate of chocolate eclairs and stood on the balcony overlooking the hills.

Two hours into the party, half of the guests were more than tipsy. I had just finished half a pack of my cigarette as I watched rich kids argue about whose satin shirt looks more expensive. I was about to lose my mind and decided to hide in the toilet and called Julian.

"Hey, you busy?" I asked.

"Not really, I just packed my stuff from your house. What's wrong?" he answered.

"Wanna crash a high school house party?" I asked.

"You mean you need me to drive you home?"

"Yes, please. I'm dying."

"Text me the address, be right there," he hung up.

As I went out of the restroom, the host of the party greeted me with her signature pageant smile.

"Ooh, camisole and denim. Classic Jade. I guess it was my fault not specifying the dress code," she eyes my outfit.

"It has pockets. I don't own a dress with pockets. Nice party. I saw your brother kissing Ms. Piggy. Oh, my bad. It was just your best friends," I smiled sarcastically.

"Where's that cute friend of yours? I kinda expected him to be here."

"No, I came here with Rachel and her boyfriend."

"Maybe one of these days you should get one of your own so you wouldn't have to bother other people to drive you around," she smiled.

"I'm fine, thanks. Besides, you don't have a boyfriend that drives you around either."

"Perhaps not, but Julian was a good substitute. You should feel lucky."

"How would you know?" I eyed her suspiciously.

"Oh, no. He didn't tell you? He's been driving me home too after he dropped you off. Don't get jealous, Jade. I think he felt a stronger connection between us. I didn't mean to go behind your back. But you can't blame him either for wanting to spend time with other people," she put her hand on my shoulder and pouted.

"I never said he's mine," I tried to hide the disappointment and surprise in my voice.

"Of course not. Oh, I almost forgot. Can you pass this to him for me? Tell him thanks for lending me his handkerchief. He really is one of a kind," she handed me a piece of white cloth with his initials embroidered on it.

"Sure, Stella," I forced a smile and stuff the cloth in my purse.

"Well, it's been nice talking to you. I have a few more guests I need to entertain. Enjoy the party," she flipped her golden curls as she turned away.

"Enjoy the party," I said in a mocking voice before walking to her driveway.

I was fuming with anger. So, that was what he had been up to. Befriending me to get with a popular and underweight high school girl and lending handkerchiefs. What else did he do? It did smell like him with a hint of an unfamiliar scent.

Maybe it was the smell of Stella's aerosol deodorant rubbing of on my nose. I was right from the beginning. College guys were always looking for fresh meat. I guess my company wasn't enough for him. I wasn't as pretty or sociable as Stella.

She would be more pleasant to hang with than me and she wouldn't shy away from physical interactions. I didn't know the revelation would bother me as much as it did.

It was not like Julian was exclusively my driver. He was only doing it for Jake and he never broke his promise. So, why did it feel like I had been cheated on? I barely put any effort to comfort him as a friend.

We didn't owe each other any explanations nor should I restrict his friendship choices. I decided to stay calm and light another cigarette as I waited for Julian to pull up.

I decided that I would only ask once it was convenient and promised myself to not get upset by his answer. I managed to suck it up and act like nothing happened.

The roof of his convertible was down, and a wavy-haired muscular man pulled over. His hair was swept to one side by the night breeze. He was wearing a flannel jacket over a plain black t-shirt.


"I can see you just fine," I tossed my purse to the backseat and chucked my pack of cigarette to him.

"Thanks!' he smiled, "I just wanted to make a grand exit for you."

He looked up at the mansion and saw a familiar face. Stella had stood on the balcony and was watching us. She waved at him and he returned the gesture. Her eyes met with mine for a split second and I could have sworn it formed a knot in my stomach. I ignored her and pretended I didn't see it.

"I'm starting to regret wearing this tonight," I looked down my shirt as I entered his car.

"Here," he took off his jacket and put it on me.

"Thanks," I looked up at the unexpected gesture.

"You know what, I'm cashing in that date right now. I have the wine ready," he got out of the car.

"What? Now? Where are you going?" my head followed him to my side of the car.

"You're driving. Move," he motioned.

"Are you crazy?" I reluctantly moved.

"What? You know how to drive right? I wanna know what it feels like to be the one getting a ride," he buckled himself.

"Where are we going?" I put my hands on the steering wheel.

"Anywhere," he smiled and leaned back on his seat.

"Should I drive the way Jake taught me?" I asked.

"Dear God! I change my mind if that's the way you're gonna drive," he shot up straight.

"I'm just kidding, chill. I'm an excellent driver," I smiled and faced the road.

"Says who?" he asked with a worried tone.

'Jake,' I revved the engine and sped down the hill.