
Paris – 3 months later

I had spent the last month managing my grandma's estate that she had left behind to me. I rented her village mansion for extra pocket money and spared some of the inheritance money to renovate and maintain the old building.

As for her Paris apartment, it became my new house for the time being. She had an extra bedroom and I decided that I might as well rent it to fellow students as it was only a few minutes' walk to campus, and it would be lonely to live alone in an empty apartment. He should be moving in today.

I have never seen him before; all I know was that he is from America too and he loves dogs. That last part was an assumption. His profile picture was of his Labrador puppy.

The apartment had been dusted and cleaned. I hired a cleaning lady to come over every week to do a deep and thorough clean of the apartment. It was such a shame that my grandma neglected most of the estates she owned.

As for my dad, I made him legally sign the contract that stated that I would inherit the fortune under said circumstances. I no longer associate myself with him.

Jake's sister and I are still talking every day. She told me that she was studying basic French again to be able to write me a sequel to my favorite novel. She showed me her exam results and censored her name from the paper.

I still don't know her name. She got Jake in on it too. I missed hanging out with them from time to time. The last week I had spent there was eventful to say the least. My unnamed crush had been accepted to a college. But she wouldn't tell me which.

She promised to send me pictures once she had time. Jake moved into a room in Dr. Schubert's facility as a compensation for his apprenticeship while her sister convinced their parents to let her move out with a bunch of roommates.

I asked her if she would be able to handle the girl drama that might ensue. She told me that her parents might be getting a divorce soon and any other drama would be better than that. I wished she could've come and visit or even study here. But I don't think her financial and familial situation would allow her.

I brought Nancy with me. she and my grandma's 8 months old poodle, Anna, greeted me at the door when I came back from my art history class. Few hours later, I received a message from my new roommate saying that he had arrived, and Jake's sister sent me a picture. Nancy barked at the door and distracted me before I could open her text.

"Nancy! Sit!" I said as I unlocked my door to welcome my guest, "sorry, I hope you don't mind having dogs in the apart– "

A familiar figure stood at my door wearing my flannel jacket and Off-white shirt. Her hair was in a ponytail; just as I saw her for the first time.

"Hey, my name's Jade Atherton."