Sebastian 0.2

"Finish your breakfast before they get cold. That sweet bloke will arrive anytime now. You can't miss your big presentation," Mariel rushed me.

"You're right! I need to practice my speech on the way there," I inhaled the rest of my meal.

I could hear Sebastian's car engine as I put away the dirty dishes in the sink. Jalebi was cuddling my school bag on the floor and Mariel was taking her time with her food.

"I need to go, Jalebi! I'm sorry. Don't do any of the dishes! Lucy is coming at 9," I bid them farewell as I rushed out of the house.

His black Cadillac was parked in front of the house steps. His mahogany curls were bouncing as the gentle breeze blew the auburn street. The familiar musk of his cologne got stronger as I got into his car. He gave me the softest smile that exposed the dimples on his cheeks. He took one of my hand and kissed it before driving to the campus.

"You look gorgeous, how strange to dream of you even when I am wide awake," he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Stop it," I smiled shyly.

"You can practice your speech anytime you want. Just know that I believe in you. I've read it and it was a masterpiece!"

"Not as good as Poe, though."

"Of course not. He's my man crush," he joked.

His lame jokes and banters had always made me loosen up. But this speech presentation had made me tense like never before. It was my last project for the semester, and I had spent most of my time working on it. I was afraid that all those efforts would go to waste compared to the creations of my peers. I might excel at picking the topic and writing the report. But the presentation aspect of the project had terrified me the most. It had a substantial contribution to my final grade. It was crucial for me to nail this.

Seb saw the uneasiness in my distant gaze out the window and grabbed my hand while his other hand was on the steering wheel. He gave a comforting rub and a reassuring smile. I snapped out of my negative contemplation and looked up at his warm and welcoming face. I could see my own reflection on his glasses. It calmed me down to imagine him by my side as I gathered the courage to start reciting my prepared speech.

We were at the red light when I finished my speech. Seb pulled me into a hug and the warmth of his body consumed any fear left in me. We pulled away and drive up to the campus parking lot. He had this aura or look to him that melted my heart every time he would park and went in reverse. The way his navy-grey checkered jacket contoured his body as he turned and the way it complemented his white collared shirt. He wore a tie with the same color and pattern as his jacket. Together, we looked like a couple of well-dressed librarians.

"You did the speech so well. Remember to straighten your back, make eye contacts, and take time to breathe," he lifted my chin up.

"Thank you so much. I don't know how I can cope without you."

"You're a strong, independent woman. You'll do just fine. I'm just here to cheer you on."

"Okay, we better get to class. I love you."

"I'll wait for you in main hall," he kissed my forehead and strode on to his class.