Sebastian 0.3

I walked to my class and half of the students were already preparing their own speech. The lecturer arrived not long after. We took a random piece of paper from a bowl to figure out the order in which we would present. I didn't know if I had struck a jackpot, but I would be the last one to do my speech. Students were allowed to leave after presenting their project. This meant that there would be barely anyone left in the class by the time it was my turn.

The time went by quickly and soon, only two students were left. My classmate was presenting when three figures walked in and sat at the back of the class; joining my lecturer that was grading the presentation. One of the three figures was my own boyfriend. I was so taken aback by the surprise visit that my mind went blank for a split second. I started to feel anxious again. Those people were not ordinary guests. They were with the school board.

I tried my best to focus on my script instead of the new unsuspecting judges. I recited the whole speech over and over in my head. My classmate had finished her speech and was taking questions from our professor. I should've guessed it, but the three people started to chime in with more difficult and detailed inquiries. My heart started to pound harder.

"Okay, that's enough for today Ms. Green. These three gentlemen won't be affecting the final result of your performance. Thank you," my lecturer announced.

She hastily packed her papers and sprinted out of the class; leaving me in a sinister atmosphere of judgement. My professor was still busy with his paperwork while I tried to make myself comfortable on the podium. I managed my script and reset my posture. I saw Sebastian giving me a discreet thumbs up from under his coat.

"Ms. Evans, you may start."

I began my speech. It had a rocky start, but I recovered from the awkwardness and suspense as I replayed Seb's words in my head. He believed in me and so should I. This project meant a lot to me and served as a proof that I deserved to receive that scholarship. I ended my speech and thanked the audience. They continued to ask me questions regarding my topic and the research process. I calmly took my time to answer and elaborate my thought process. One of the board members started to clap his hands before being followed by his fellow judges.

"As you can see from the responses of my colleagues, your project astounded us to say the least. Keep up the good work," he said before going back to his papers.

"Thank you," I smiled and packed my bag.

I waited for Seb in the main hall as my pulse gradually settled to its normal pace. That was even scarier than presenting to my classmates. Moreover, they didn't give me any explanation for their visit. Why was he there too?

"Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting, love. I just finished off with the guys. I knew you would do so well! They had chosen you to present for our annual literature gala. We needed a speaker from a different faculty and decided to visit some other classes," he hugged me.

"So, it was your idea? You knew how hard it is for me to do public speaking,' I furrowed my brows.

"No, I frankly wasn't expecting to see you in there. The blonde guy picked your class. And don't worry, love. There'll be more speakers beside you. I'll ask them to give you the shortest speech."

"I have no idea what's going on."

"I'll explain more on the way back home," he held my hand and walked towards the parking lot.

"We're going home already?" I struggled to keep up with his long legs.

"Don't you have to get ready for our dinner tonight?"

I stared at him.

"You didn't get my letter?" the tiniest pout formed on the corners of his lips.

"Oh shoot. I totally forgot about that. You meant tonight?" I realized.

"Yeah. We've gotta celebrate this. And they picked me as the new literature club captain."

"No way! Honey, that's great news," I smiled.

"I know right!"

"What should I wear tonight? I've never been on a dinner date before."

"Something fancy," he winked.

"Sebastian! You did not! I finally get to go to a fancy dinner with a special guy."

"I'll pick you up at 6 then."