Chapter 6

"Well I did not expect you to know about politics. You surprise me even more" Nacht said with a satisfied smile. 

As they left the kingdom the forest around them became denser and deeper. Huge trees with enormous leaves and unfamiliar sounds of the wild filled her ears. She had never been outside the palace walls. Her red eyes devoured everything still in shock but Nacht's voice drew her attention. For the first time she wasn't trying to avoid him. 

"Why are we going into Sol? Why would you come all the way to Nyx to buy me?" she asked confused. This did not make sense. She was just a prostitute. 

"So should I start from the beginning? But you know it makes me quite sad that you are avoiding my eyes. Is my scar so terrifying?" Nacht asked her. She looked at him, wondering why he would ask that. He was obviously attractive. A scar would not alter that. His peculiar eyes and flaming hair were so unusual your eyes would instantly be drawn even if you didn't want to. Even him, a man who spoke with such refined words and confidence could have such a complex about his appearance? Especially in the presence of a beautiful woman. Alice thought. Nacht was concerned because he believed his appearance was scaring her. 

Alice laughed, the cheerful sound being contained by the walls of the carriage and the man in front of him tilted his head to the side, curious of her reaction. 

"Me? Scared of you? Do you have any idea the faces I've seen? My life is not as easy as you think. Also its obvious you are very attractive. That scar is nothing" she confessed and for a second he seemed taken aback by her comment. He fixed his posture and coughed. 

"Thank you then. It feels good to hear something like that. I haven't heard that I am attractive in a while." He told her and she frowned. What kind of comments did he have to face to believe that he wasn't? She wondered. "About the whole Sol thing now. I did not travel here just to buy you specifically. I was here and I happened to hear about a magician girl in the black market that Nyx hadn't got hold of yet. After the war Sol had almost zero magicians and is in great need of them to protect the Kingdom. When I heard about you I bought you to bring you there and once I heard that you were an Attacker type I was even more excited. It's the first time I meet someone like me" he said with an honest smile. 

About fifty years ago a war had happened between the two greatest kingdoms in Terra. They wanted more land, more people, more magicians and more access to magic. Their greed resulted in a ten-year war that had to end in a treaty because of the enormous loses on both sides. The truth though was, and everyone knew that the kingdom of Sol had lost all of its magicians and naturally the carriers of magic. Now the Kingdom had limited magical resources and that meant a reduce defense against outside enemies. 

"Like you?" Alice asked and her heart began to beat faster. This man was like her, a magician. She did not expect to meet another magician beyond her mother. But even then their powers were different but he, he was exactly like him. An Attacker. 

"Yes. I am a magician too. An attacker. Let me introduce myself properly. I am Nacht the high general of the Kingdom of Sol. I am in charge of the army and I am the King's right hand when it comes to the defense of the Kingdom. With you right now Sol has six magicians in total. Two attackers, two defenders and two supporters. We work in the army. The Defenders are the ones with unusually high intellect, telepathic abilities and such. They work on the intel department and act as councilors for the Kings. Then there are the supporters. They have healing attributes; they work on research. They help with healthcare. This is how Nyx works too. But you guys have a whole Academy and such. We are more of a family business" he joked and chuckled but Alice was too shocked to laugh. He had bought her to take her to an enemy palace. 

"Then why don't you just steal magicians from Nyx? Well firstly everyone knows about Sol's bad situation so no one would willingly leave that prestigious Academy and head over to us. Meaning that very possibly we could bring in a spy that will do us more bad than good. Also we couldn't dare just to kidnap someone. Magicians are too precious and they could even be the reason for war. Right now we cannot afford to do something so risky." He explained and she nodded beginning to understand everything bit by bit. So it wasn't her that he wanted. At least not the her that used to live in that third rate brothel. She wanted the Alice that could be a magician. Strong and powerful. 

He eyes lit up at the though and she just stared at him unable to say anything. Could this be proven as a good chance for her? Was her luck actually turning? She wondered when the carriage came to a sudden stop. Nacht look around confused and knocked on the front of the carriage. 

"Driver…what is going on?" He asked loudly but there was no answer. Nacht bit his lip nervously and whispered. "Stay here and don't come out." He warned her and jumped outside.

Luck? There was no such thing, as it seemed.


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