A Dimension Gate Opens?! Part III

After that Terry once again pull Valerie and Xinya's hand and fleeing to outside the apartment.

Xinya's heartbeat beats so fast that she is blushed when they already outside. "What was that about Terry?! Don't you ever do that think again! And you Valerie why are you not protesting? This is counts as a harming, and he could be put in jail if you report him to the police."

Valerie then said with a helpless face and sigh "sigh, you'll get used to it, he did this to me 2 times already and now this is the third time. I think i can get use to it now. So what's happening that made you panicked like that Terry?" After saying that Valerie asked terry with complexion on her face

Terry looked at them both with a sorry "I'm sorry i didn't talk about it, but it's critical right now , i didn't know the gate will be opening this soon. And i felt that something is currently approaching me with a fast speed."

Xinya and Valerie felt scared and hope nothing goes wrong suddenly a huge blast blowing at Terry in a flash. Terry was blasted 2km away from where Xinya and Valerie was and he crashed into several building that made a lot of citizen ran into panic.

The monster then stopped and looked at Terry that is 2km away, the monster already knew the two girls presence but didn't catch a glance, the two girls are like ants, so the monster kept looking at Terry because Terry gave a huge energy that made the monster shivering.

The monster realized something, the human he blasted didn't even get any injury. He just stand there and clean the dust that in his shirt. The monster then approach the human with a fast speed and stopped 15 meters in front of the human. The monster talk in a weird tone but somehow Terry understand what it means. "ZzzzWhat?! ZzzWhy zzzare zzzyou zznot zzdead?"

Terry then replied with a smile "You wondering why huh? It's because I'm much more stronger than you! Haha you mad? Then kill me if you can!."

The monster heard what the human said and he gone mad and attacked with his claw. Terry dodge it easily after that the monster stopped and suddenly the monster shot an acid through his mouth. once again Terry dodged it easily and he looked the place where the acid landed at.

Terry looked at the ground in shivers "Damn! luckily i dodged that, if not ugh i don't want to imagine it." After a while Terry already feel sick because he's been wasting too much time then Terry asked Xerus. "Xerus is there anyway to kill this monster? I don't have a weapon it's hard to land a punch while dodging."

Xerus then replied with the robotic sound.

"[You can also buy weapons in the market master]." Terry forgot that he can buy almost anything in his system market unless he has enough coins. "Shit, i forgot about that. 'open market'." Terry then searched weapon category and change it to lowest-highest price, Terry then saw a black long sword priced 30 thousand coins.

"This black sword looks strong, but why there's no description on this? Xerus can you give me information about this Black Sword?"

"[Blade of Death: formed by a dangerous living being's soul, it has 9 pieces and there's only 4 in the market i provided. And this piece is the weakest pieces.

I'm sorry master that's the only information i got.]" Terry pondered and finally he made his choice "Whatever let's just buy this."

Terry hold the heavy Black sword and it gives a huge death aura that made the monster stopped his attacks. "Damn this thing is so heavy, i barely can hold it with one hand, Xerus i have the power of wish, is it possible that i can get the full pieces of this weapon?"

"[I recommend you not to do that for now master, your power is still to weak. You can't protect the weapon for now, you can do it when you're 200 million times stronger]."

Terry realized he's not strong enough. And he remembered he can be stronger by wishing for being stronger. "What if i wish for myself to get stronger Xerus? Is that possible?"

"[Absolutely possible master.]"

And then Terry wished his cultivation reach the Supreme God realm and of course he succeed without a scratch but sadly the monster died from lightning that from Terry's tribulation. And Terry also wished that his The God of Everything can hold to every Gods power , and then he chooses all the Gods power that available.

And after that ridiculously huge change Terry can be considered one of the strongest living beings below the system that gave him that power. After Terry choose the God of Time and Space his power that can go to other dimension merged and now Terry can be called Omnipresent.

"What the fuck just happened? I can feel the time and space is me and I'm the time and space itself. Xerus can you show me my status?" Terry waited for 2 minutes but Xerus didn't respond "Hey Xerus why are you not answering my question? Is there something wrong? Oh i forgot to upgrade you." After that Terry then upgraded Xerus's level to below him.

10 minutes passed

Xerus suddenly comes out from Terry's body and appears in front of him with a girl body, the girl looks like 16 years old.

"[Thank you master for upgrading my level this fast! But sorry I can't measure your power. But i can tell that you can blow a universe with just your thought. But there's still a lot of powerful living beings that can match your power even though your power is unmeasureable.]"

Terry gave a surprised face and looked at his surrounding, he almost destroyed 1 km surrounding him from the sudden change in power. "Xerus i give you a mission to kill all the monster that got out, but don't destroy the gate. And inform Xinya and Valerie to meet me here!"

Xerus then nodded "[yes master, consider it as done.]"

After that Xerus informed Xinya and Valerie, and Xerus start massacring all the monster that got out from the gate.