A Dimension Gate Opens?! Part II

Apartment near Jiaotong University

Xinya waited for Terry's arrive, then she received a call from him "You arrive? Okay I'm at the apartment i will raise my hand. Oh there you are!" Xinya then waited for Terry to approach her.

Terry saw Xinya raising her hand with his eyesight reached ten million times he clearly see her. "Hey Xinya it's been 3 months since we last talk online!"

Xinya hears Terry's conversation but she looked at other woman

"Yeah it's so nice to see you, so who is this woman beside you? I never knew you could have a girlfriend haha!"

Terry wanted to explain it but got interrupted by Valerie. "N-no I'm not his girlfriend, we just met like 10 minutes ago in UK!" With blushed cheek Valerie hurriedly explaining to Xinya.

Xinya was confused, 10 minuter ago?!

"What? 10 minutes ago and in UK? You're kidding me right?"

Terry sighed and then looked at Valerie "huft, i told you not to tell her that we just met like minutes ago, well whatever i just need to explain it to her." Terry then introduced Valerie to Xinya and they went into Xinya's apartment room.

Terry and Valerie was surprised by how mess her room is. Terry then says "What the heck is this room Xinya? You alright?"

Xinya forgot that she didn't clean her room

"Uhh haha, i forgot to clean my room when I'm searching for my passport." She explain with an embarrassed face.

Terry didn't ask where she wanted to go.

"What you two waiting for? Let's go in! Make your self at home, even though it's a mess." Then Terry and Valerie went in with a complicated face.

Then Terry started to explain the accident that will happen in some minutes.

Xinya was scared and didn't believe what Terry said, well people might not believe something that didn't exist. Well it is now.

"You joking right? Are you playing games until late again and hallucinating? It's impossible right?"

Terry sighed and talk once more "Xinya i know this is hard to believe but it is the truth, well actually in the past days i obtained kind of power that people can't imagine, i can't explain it to you for now though." Terry then remembered he still can impart her a cultivation technique.

"I'm gonna give you something, you often read xianxia novel right? Well I'm going to impart a cultivation technique to you."

Xinya was taken a back because xianxia novel is her favorite novel genre, she always wanted to be a cultivator. "Is that real? Then quickly impart it to me!" Xinya was so excited that she forgot that she was so scared just a second ago.

Finally Terry imaparted the same cultivation technique that Valerie cultivated and then Xinya start sitting cross legged.

5 minutes passed

It only takes 5 minutes for Xinya to feel the Energy inside her body. "Wow, i never knew i would be a cultivator like in xianxia novel! And this, this power i can feel it, I'm more stronger at least 200 times stronger! Hey Terry why don't you tell me that you have a cultivation technique?"

Terry didn't hear it wrong, she said that she is 200 times stronger than before. Terry then asks Xerus "What's this mean Xerus? Can you explain it to me?"

Xerus give Terry a brief explanation. "[Well miss Xinya is from China and cultivation technique originally from China, that explains that she is more profound with it.]"

"Does it mean that if i have the Chinese blood my power would've been more powerful? Not 10 million times?"

"[Yes master, if you have Chinese blood in you, your power will be 100 million times stronger. But sadly you can't change your bloodline. But don't worry master you still have the God's race in you, and usually a person with the God's blood will have a slow improvement in the start but it will get faster later on.]"

With a disappointed face Terry then forgets it, and he remembered that he has a God's blood so that's a relief for him.

Terry looked at Xinya with satisfaction "Well you're stronger than Valerie so you will be protecting her when bad things happen."

Xinya nodded with a satisfied look


Suddenly there's an earthquake with 6 magnitude "[Master i think the first phase will start.]"

With a panic face Terry asked hurriedly "What do you mean?"

Xerus then exlain it with a straight tone

"[It means the being who tried to go to this dimension is starting to tear the space so when the being finished tearing the space the gate will start opens.]"

Terry thinking for a while then come into a conclusion "So do you mean UK is in a danger state?"

"[Yes, with my calculation in 15 seconds UK will just be a ruin.]"

Soon after the earthquake start fading and the faces of the two girls start a composed state. Xinya then says with little sweat on her face "Finally the earthquake had. faded, i don't think this apartment can hold any longer."

"[Master i think my calculation is wrong, i didn't expect that the Dimension gate will be opening this soon. and there's a living being that approach you with a fast movement.]"